Google has just announced a 2-in-1 laptop called the Pixelbook. The computer will have a 12.3-inch screen with a resolution of 235 pixels per inch and will come with two models, one Intel Core i5 and the other Core i7, and will carry 16 GB of RAM.
Pixelbook has instant connectivity with your phone "instant tethering", especially if you own a Pixel phone from Google.
It can withstand 10 hours of battery life, and when charging for only 15 minutes, it can give you two more hours of work.
Pixelbook is the thinnest laptop made by Google and comes with a thickness of only 10 mm and a weight of 1 kg. It is the first computer comes with the Google Assistant Assistant.
As Google announced its companion pen PixelbookPen which integrates with the Google Assistant and has a corner recognition of 60 degrees and 2000 level of pressure sensitivity.
The computer will start at $ 999 and the pen will be available for $ 99 and will be available in stores starting October 31st.