Pizza Loves To Eat! Will Be In Horrible Danger, Demand Researchers

in pizza •  7 years ago 

Researchers at the University of Arizona of the United States claim that extreme food like pizza or hamburger could bring extreme food.

Playing fast food in the body, it is not new. But what has emerged in recent studies is even more terrible. It is said, the greater the amount of such food can be eaten, the greater the likelihood of cancer will increase.


According to the news published in an all-India press, more and more bodies of food in the calorie enter will increase the DD or Dietary Energy Density. Increasing DID increases the likelihood of cancer.

Researchers from the United States of Arizona have done a detailed study on this. The College of Public Health Agency, Mail and Enid Zuckerman, of the University, has shown that nutrition is less when eating foods such as hamburgers or pizza. Chances of fertility like cancer increases. On the other hand, playing the leafy vegetables, DID lowered to the body.

Since the last half of the last century, pandas, hamburgers, and many other fast food intake tendencies have spread in the world. Not only in the first world, but in the third world's poorest countries, the Fast Food Center has grown like a umbrella. Nutrition experts have been warning of taking such food for a long time. Now to see, the possibility of fisheries increases awareness about this.

#pizza #foodlover #healthyfood #healthnews #healthtips

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