PizzaGate Infographic outlines what's making everyone so suspicious

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

While the mainstream media calls this all #FakeNews, there certainly are many creepy connections that have surfaced lately, often right out in the open. Underage satanic sex rings have been cropping up for a while now, with links to many high level officials (see the 60 Minutes episode linked below). But what really spurred this latest round of "intrigue" were the many strange revelations that appeared in the Podesta Wikileaks emails. While some are saying this may all be a false flag event to stimulate a "witch hunt" that will enable governments to more fully control the media and label certain sources as "Fake News", there is just too much popping up to suggest there's nothing to this. Exactly what "this" is, we can't yet be sure as there really is no "hard" evidence so far. Tread cautiously, and share any creepiness / hypocrisies you uncover as I did with my recent Creepy Joe Biden post:

Since reddit banned all PizzaGate threads (fueling even more suspicion that the "powers that be" are trying to cover something up), new threads have cropped up at, described as an "uncensored reddit":

60 minutes Australia - Westminster UK - high level child abuse exposé:

15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse Pt 1:

Pizzagate: CREEPY band at Comet Ping Pong "We All Have Our Preferences":

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Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
They are Possessed beast worshipers!!!
Their souls are damned to roast in hell for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.

What we are really talking abot is the mass production line satanic RAPE, TORTURE & MURDER of

defenseless little children.

W E - H A V E - T O S T O P - T H E S E - M O N S T E R S - N O W ! ! !

False Flag Hoax CONFIRMED? Comet Pizza Gunman Edgar Maddison Welch is an ACTOR...