Pizzagate repo updates for 11-01-2017 [Clinton and Comet Twitter Analysis and more]

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

We've got some more updates to the pizzagate git research archive

See the full changelog on gitlab for everything since my last post

To clone a full copy of the repository:
git clone

To sync an existing copy with new files
git pull

The upstream repository is gpg-signed by pedo hunter

All files are hashed using hashdeep and then gpg signed by myself

Read more on Gitlab

Heres a quick look at what's been added in this batch of updates

[1] Clinton Foundation tweets and analysis

This is an extract of all tweet data from Clinton Foundation from 2016-09-13 to 2017-01-07 and data analysis on those tweets .

View the clinton-foundation-twitter-data folder

Sourced from this voat post ( archive )

[2] Comet Pizza tweets and analysis

This is an extract of all tweet data from Comet Ping Pong from 2011-03-10 to 2016-10-19 and data analysis on those tweets.

View the comet-ping-pong-twitter-data folder

Sourced from this voat post (archive)

[3] Ashkenazi Jewish Journalists and Politicians on PG

This is an analysis on Jewish Journalists and Jewish Politicians covering up pizzagate


Most of the research was performed on twitter here. All data has also been backed up to

View the jewish-connection/journalists folder

I've already been called a nazi this week - just wanna point out this folder is not my research or chosen focus.

[4] Connections between James and Michael Alig

@heroic15397 wrote a great post pointing out a potential connection between James Alefantis and Michael Alig. This was archived by pedohunter, along with the wikipedia page for Michael Alig.

View post
by @heroic15397 on steemit

View the james-alefantis-michael-alig folder

Lets connect !
steemit / twitter / / keybase

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Genuine questions; Do I suppose there are also Christian, Atheist, etc. lists? Or is it only when secular "Jews" participate in something that a list is generated? Do we take bets which list is longer? So frustrating...

Was going to write a comment about the difference between Ashkenazi Jews and historical Jews, thought better of it, then I clicked the evidence. Just seemed like a bunch of tweets from non-pizzagate believers. Rather weak evidence IMHO. I'm sure there's more non-Jewish brainwashed, non-critical thinking, would-be comedians out there but nobody's making a list of them.

I know dude, I didn't make the list and I'm sorry its in there but I also can't justify deleting this addition from the upstream repo (yet). I'll keep an eye on where that tangent goes and I will delete those parts/fork more if it gets worse rather then being associated with it.

There is a clear attempt on voat, reddit and 8chan to make it seem like the "alt-right" is full of nazi's and these additions just don't feel good with that background noise going on..

I know things aren't as simple as they seem and religious or racial profiling is pointless :o/

Thanks, I was certain it wasn't your list, and I understand your not wanting to delete it.

I'm sure there is a push like with Trump support, to make it appear like pizzagate is for nutters. Worse than pointless, profiling is only going to confuse and divert people from the crimes themselves.

NB: often throughout history, a child falls into a well (for instance), the Jews are blamed. Child gets sainted, then discovered in the well... William of Norwich, Simon of Trent are 2 names found with 1 quick search... Got blamed for the whole Plague!! Sigh...

Why is there an eye in the middle of the pizza slice? Freaky lol

It's the all seeing pizza. ;)

drivethru #pizza

#pizza no seriously O sometimes eat actual pizza

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment