#Pizzagate: Political Theory, History, and Intelligence Studies

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

#Pizzagate: Political Theory, History, and Intelligence Studies

"The function of the counterespionage officers is to question and verify every aspect of CIA operations; taking nothing at face value, they tend to see deceit everywhere. In an agency full of extremely mistrustful people, they are the professional paranoids[1]."

"What is often called the Law of Invisible Phenomena must be kept in mind: The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence[2]."

"How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me." - Andrew Breitbart, 4 Feb., 2011. [3].

"Imagine a pedophile ring that, for years, abused and tormented young boys and girls at a string of VIP brothels. Then imagine that the members of this group were politicians, intelligence officers, diplomats, high-ranking police officers, and prominent civil servants. That this was, in other words, a pedophile ring at the very heart of power, operating with what appears, thanks to 30 years of thwarted investigations and cover-ups, something approaching impunity[4]."


The surprising persistence of this horrendous behavior has so far eluded the, deftly aware of all things political, political science community.  This affords a novel attempt at a non-normative theory of contemporary power.

In the 1940s, J. Edgar Hoover headed a recruiting effort at the FBI.  The purpose of the recruiting was a strategy to insulate his unknown to the public deviant personal behavior from potential blackmail[5].  He, therefore, hired people with the same personal behaviors as himself.  This insulation is a defensive counterintelligence posture[6].  The honey pot is a well established tactic spies have used all through history to probe institutional agents for information regarding the institutions themselves through drugs and sex.  Hiring protocols such as this help to mitigate damage from infiltration and observation at the highest levels of the bureaucracy.  The CIA helped to develop a more scientific approach to sexual counterintelligence; they went on offense[7].

During the 1950s, the CIA discovered that multiple personality disorder could be cultivated by repeated sexual abuse of young children[8].  Thus, in their expansive behavioral science research program, MKULTRA, they crafted and monitored several abuse and brainwashing cults, in some cases seeding the leadership with pedophiles.  These experiments took place on the Presidio military base in southern California and branched off into several groups the CIA continued to monitor, such as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a clique of academics and psychiatrists ostensibly studying patients suffering from multiple personality disorder.

In several conferences occurring into the 1990s, various psychiatrists referred to a phenomenon all over the country of patients with the same abusive programming techniques evident, concluding there is an institutionalized nationwide cult of child abuse centered on a "Dr. Green" (a German born and trained psychiatrist working on the military base)[9].  This cult had reared its recruiting head in Nebraska in the 1980s, where it was connected to Boys Town, Child Protective Services, the Department of Defense, the Republican National Committee, the National Security Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency, and again in 2016 in DC where it was exposed through the international import/export elements in the Democrat National Committee, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Foundation, Stratfor Global Intelligence, B.P. Estate/Trust Hawai'i (10% owner of Goldman Sachs; involved in charter schools), Universal Corp., Media Matters, the Department of Justice, and several personal political donors with their respective DC based human/child rights philanthropies and local specialty pizza restaurants.  In Nebraska, one tireless Congressman John W. DeCamp pressed for an investigation, but to no avail.  He instead published a book, The Franklin Cover Up, detailing his evidence as well as reasons for the lack of prosecution[10].

Today, the DC human rights community, it appears, is a front for the elements of society which perpetrate the most vile violations of human rights, ritualistic sex "magic" (child abuse).  The rituals themselves derive from those created by Aleister Crowley for his Thelema doctrine.  They are described and depicted in their art as out of body experiences, but a plethora of drugs are involved in the activities.  In order to shield themselves from discovery and prosecution, they honey pot and blackmail prosecutors and judges in districts which they consider important[11].  In other words, they are the relevant police and government agents necessary to investigate and prosecute in the areas where they operate.

This power structure is transnational, extending as far as Haiti, the UK, Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, and India.

What is unclear is whether or not the 2016 exposure will have any significant impact on the political structure itself.  The power behind a high stakes form of common criminality rests on the cohesion of the public opinion.  An internet without significant censorship has allowed for details to mount online.  The fact this exposure began just days before a Presidential election may be significant.  The response from the media companies, potentially with employees or board members implicated in the scandal, have begun a defense strategy of attempting to combine white supremacy with "fake news" to imply there is no truth to the mounting evidence from the WikiLeaks dumps of the Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta, and the heaps of incriminating personal information posted on social media.  The New York Times valiantly claimed "these things are not true[12]."  However, every defendant ever convicted after a trial pleaded not guilty.  The paper was merely repeating what the owner of the pizza place at the center of the investigation, James Alefantis, said when asked about the online reaction to the suspicion surrounding his online presence.  One would think the New York Times would know that repeating the personal response of someone being accused of such behavior is not the standard of credibility required to judge the veracity of the statement.  Without an investigation, they cannot confirm things one way or another.  It is simply a defensive assertion by someone being accused of heinous criminal behavior.  It is not that "it is not true," but that "he denies it."  The paper also conveniently omitted all evidence gathered by the online community, simply labeling any reporting on it as "fake news" or "conspiracy theory."  The social media activity will be useful to prosecuting attorneys attempting to construct the characters of the defendants.  In the WikiLeaks dumps, it was shown that virtually every major news institution has several writers or employees volunteering for the DNC and Clinton campaign[13].  It should be no wonder what is happening.

Trump had promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton's charitable organizations.  He has since rhetorically backtracked, but after selecting an attorney general seen as tough on crime.  To boot, Trump, as President, would have the power to pressure and provide incentives for foreign governments to turn over evidence they might have of this network's activities.  An acute observation might be that there is intense interbureaucratic struggles taking place within the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation during the most contentious transition of executive power in US history[14].  Johnson's swearing in ceremony, on the plane, had less bubbling under the surface. 

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[1] Victor Marchetti and John Marks, CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Knopf, 1974.
[2] Stan A. Taylor, "Definitions and Theories of Counterintelligence," in Strategic Intelligence: Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism: Defending the Nation Against Hostile Forces, Vol. 4, Loch K. Johnson, ed., Praeger, 2007, p. 12.
[3] https://twitter.com/AndrewBreitbart/status/33636278100561920 ; Douglass Ernst, "Andrew Breitbart tweet before death adds fuel to online speculation of D.C. sex-trafficking ring," The Washington Times, November, 28, 2016.
[4] Alex Massie, "The Child Sex Ring Around Westminster's Neck," Foreign Policy, July 29, 2015.
[5] Anthony Summers, "The secret life of J Edgar Hoover," The Guardian, December 31, 2011.
[6] Stan A. Taylor, "Definitions and Theories of Counterintelligence," in Strategic Intelligence: Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism: Defending the Nation Against Hostile Forces, Vol. 4, Loch K. Johnson, ed., Praeger, 2007, pp. 1-14.  "Counterintelligence Techniques" include: background checks, facility/computer/communications security, information compartmentalization and communications interception. 

"Each agency also monitors its own employees during their period of employment.  Many require periodic polygraph tests during which the employees are asked questions about their lifestyles as well as about foreign contacts and classified material they have handled. Other aspects of employee lifestyles—such as dramatic changes in financial worth, changes in spending habits, or aberrant sexual practices—are also observed independently and may provide questions for future polygraph sessions as well as act as warning signs to counterintelligence officers" (p. 6).

"Information may be classified both vertically and horizontally.  There are three horizontal levels of classified information—confidential (used with decreasing frequency), secret, and top secret. Top secret information may be divided into vertical divisions called codeword compartments. The information in each compartment usually comes from a unique and specific intelligence collection source. That is, top secret/codeword material derived from a particular human source will be classified top secret and given a unique codeword" (p. 6-7).

"...counterintelligence assumes a very low level of trustworthiness in virtually all people...The absence of trust within societies appears to be the primary assumption in the theory of counterintelligence. Were all people trustworthy, much counterintelligence work would be unnecessary." (p. 8, 12).

See also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counterintelligence#Defensive_counterintelligence
[7] Alfred W. McCoy, "Science in Dachau's Shadow: Hebb, Beecher, and the Development of CIA Psychological Torture and Modern Medical Ethics," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 43, No.4, Fall 2007, p. 405. ;  On the non-torture MKULTRA projects, see Richard Grove, Jan Irving, and Kevin Cole, "History… Connected: Research Discussion on MKULTRA, Cybernetics, Public Schooling, the Psychedelic Revolution, and Social Control,"  April 15, 2013.
[8] Colin A. Ross, Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, 2000.  ;  Martin Katchen, "Book Profile: Psychiatric Abuse and the Intelligence Community," 2001.  -  "the first step in their training involved the deliberate creation of DID [Dissociative Identity Disorder] in both children, and ages 4 to 6 are an excellent age for that to occur.  The training begins with a game in which children are tied to desks and are required to press a red button that gives a painful electric shock to another child or receive a shock in return...This feat [DID] was achieved by keeping the girl hungry and thirsty, and forcing her to watch X rated videos on a movie screen, with electric shocks going to her genitals, whenever she was used sexually.  It then details how Cheryl was placed in a morgue drawer and forced to listen to descriptions of sexual acts, being taught the story of "Sexy Sadie" for hour after hour, while she got hungrier and hungrier and weaker and weaker.  At intervals, people asked if Sexy Sadie was ready to come out and play.  This continued until Cheryl realized she was "looking at" Sexy Sadie and did so.  Later on, she would be dressed in boys clothes and taught to be 'Charles Wallace'...The authors take pains to point out that Cheryl's therapist took a neutral stance toward the validity of her ritual abuse memories.  When Cheryl began to recover memories of her government activities, she contacted Dr. Dale Griffis, a retired Ohio police captain and consultant to national law enforcement, in an effort to corroborate or disprove the memories.  Griffis was able to verify many of them through field investigation... Ross concludes: 'In the interests of national security, it is important that the CIA and military intelligene [sic] agencies have mind control programs in place.  This is true, for one reason, because mind control methods are being used by leaders of destructive cults, dictators and terrorists.'"  ;  A more critical review of Ross's work can be found in Book Review, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2001.
[9] "...lecture by D. Corydon Hammond, originally entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse," but now usually known as the "Greenbaum Speech," delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia." ; Joel van der Reijden, "Beyond Dutroux Ties to 1950s-era CIA Covert Operation, Plus: The Mysterious "Dr. Green" Identified," Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, November. 25, 2009.
[10] John W. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, A.W.T Inc., 1992.
[11] Sibel Edmonds, "Newsbud on the Record: The Podesta Scandal & the Importance of Media Integrity," November 11, 2016. - Sibel Edmonds, former FBI on the FBI, spies, institutionalized blackmail files, and federal judges.
[12] Cecilia King, "Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking," New York Times, November 21, 2016.
[13] Glenn Greenwald, "EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign's Cozy Press Relationship," The Intercept, October 9, 2016.
[14] Roger Stone, in an interview with Judge Napolitano, asserting his knowledge that the NYPD and Congress are aware of evidence including "treason, pay for play corruption, sexual exploitation, and worse."  Roger Stone - Stone Cold Truth Radio (Dec. 3rd, 2016).

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AndrewBreitbart AndrewBreitbart tweeted @ 04 Feb 2011 - 21:21 UTC

How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

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The rituals themselves derive from those created by Aleister Crowley for his Thelema doctrine.

Where did this connection come from?

Marina Abramovic's inspiration.

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