Hidden in plain sight

in pizzagate •  7 years ago 

Similarities of the left, -wing of politics, and -hand path of spiritual worship.

  1. The support of baby murder
  2. The glorification of sodomy
  3. Rejection of and removal of God, our Creator, from society and culture
  4. The use of lies and deceit to alter people's perceptions, also known as sorcery
  5. Promotion of myths that feed into the narrative they have constructed, such as evolution and false spiritual doctrines
  6. Support for any and all belief systems that DO NOT include the ONLY Messiah, Jesus Christ
  7. The apotheosis of self
  8. The false belief that perception defines truth
  9. The false belief that truth is debatable
  10. The false belief that "the ends justify the means"

I could go on and on, but at the end of the day I believe I have driven this point home. The left are who they are, and they are not hiding. Sure, innocent people have been lulled and put under the spells of this demonically led group, and don't understand the true nature of their leaders. However, this will be made known. In these end of days, our Lord promises that "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed" Ref. Luke 12:3, 8:17, Matthew 10:26, Mark 4:22, just to name a few. You see, for all of you unbelievers on my friends list, the Lord is extremely patient and kind, and repeats Himself thoroughly. He does this because he knows that we are dense sometimes, sometimes very often (I know I have been!), so he tries to repeat things that he knows we need reminding of.

Don't worry, you will see these things come to light. John Podesta's (notice how his name is even close to pedo!) involvement in child sex trafficking will come to light! The Clinton's knowledge, complicity, and involvement with this will come to light as well! Mark my words, and be on the lookout! I believe that God will reveal to all supporters of all of the monsters in politics (the swamp knows no political affiliation, there are creatures everywhere in politics), who they have been supporting. But, most importantly, it will be revealed that the powers of darkness tried to usurp the American people, and install their dark queen into office, but God helped us avoid this horrific tragedy. Anyway, I'm going to stop here, I could go on, but I will spare you. Until next time ;)

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