Don't forget the nannnies!

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

On Hampstead, the children named nannies. Sure- Hampstead is one of London's wealthiest areas.

So I looked at a couple of the alleged abuser nannies. One of them, a Brazilian woman (lots of them were Brazilian) who worked for a couple of alleged abuser parents had posted a YouTube video of one of the little boys (around 7 yrs) in the bath - naked of course. It had around 60 000 views as I recall.

So there are sick fucks who go to YouTube for their kicks. I never checked whether her channel was monetized.

What would you do, guys, if you came home to find that your childminder/nanny had posted naked photos of your children having a bath on the internet?!!!

If you are a rich Satanist who tortures your children, you cannot employ a normal nanny! So are there Satanist nannies agencies? Or are good agencies infiltrated by baddies?Or both?

Keep an eye on the nanny stuff. Peace.

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I hope you reported the nanny who posted the video on Youtube. To police, not to Youtube. Someone needs to copy the video before she is tipped off and hides it. Speak to people on Voat about this. They'll know what to do

Whoa, Giz, totally - I was investigating IN PUBLIC (until I got hacked) and reported ALL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY - in public - to the police or relevant authorities e.g. Internet Watch Foundation (we found possibie evidence of CP on the father's servers).

Lots of other people reported this and other stuff, too - probably scores of people.

This is a CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. This is what Pizzagate is going to have to smash up.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That is so gross.

Social media is our sword. This is how we break them. I would name the relevant police men and police organizations on social media....

Totally. That's why I blogged. I named names (they had already been leaked). But first, I emailed all alleged abusers to invite them to clear their names.......none of them did so I took it from there.

While you are here please look at my most recent post and tell me if you think the kid lying in the man's lap has underwear on.

I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"