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Someone explain it to me? Maybe I am old. I don't understand.

click on the pizzagate tag filter and start reading.

Basically, in the Podesta e-mails. The ones that Hitlery "lost". Is all kinds of bizarre things. There is lots of reference to pizza. Just plain weird references. Something was up.

A group on reddit started working on the code words, and linking them with other emails released by wikileaks. And there findings is that this pizza place (which Hitlery, Obomba, and many other very high people in DC visit) It is a pizza place, that is supposed to be kid friendly. (with very weird art on the wall, next to the ping pong tables down stairs.) Well, this pizza place seems to have secret rooms, where secret meetings happen.

Tie that in with children sex trafficking (also in the emails) and you have pizza-gate.
If it is true, several dozen people in DC should be put in front of a firing squad.

The blood sacrifices performed in ritual is the most disturbing part for me. The art depicting the separation of mind and spirit due to disassociation caused by trauma.

this actually fits into the age old power dynamic of the virgin sacrifices. this is somehow a product of the collective unconscious as is demonstrated down through the ages.
until the people wake up, take control of their lives and eschew the "leaders" we will never be free.

I apologize. I understand pizzagate and have been actively researching it since the 7th or so. I found steemit via the persons of interest article. I do not understand the meme. Flagging is what someone does if they think a post is inappropriate, right? Who is being tagged? Who should do independent research? I could not fathom if this was in support of us independent researchers or a lash at truth.

It's very real and very disturbing. Check out the Hampstead case that now directly connects to Pizzagate: