Pizzagate: A Hypothesis

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've written fairly extensively now about Pizzagate and what I think is going on. This is my hypothesis...what I THINK is happening. This article is not meant to be evidence, it's based on conjecture- my conjecture.

It's pretty much undeniable that something nefarious going on with the power elites in Washington and the crowd of loonies at Comet Ping Pong. What I find particularly troubling is, where are the victims? Incidences of pedophilia in the upper circles in Washington go at least back to the Reagan/Bush White House. That's been proven satisfactorily in the Franklin Scandal. There have been documentaries produced about the disappearance of Johnny Gosch and others. A Conspiracy of Silence, one of the documentaries, was scheduled to air in May of 1994 on Discovery but was cancelled. Even the listing was taken from subsequent issues of TV Guide.

Out of all the children involved in this scandal, two came forward. A young boy (now a man) Paul Bonacci, was threatened with imprisonment and recanted his story. A young woman, Alisha Owen refused to change her story and was imprisoned for 4 1/2 years for perjury (see Franklin Case Timeline in links). No other victims have come forward...where are they?

800,000 children are reported missing every year in America- 2000 a day. Out of these 2000, 115 are abducted by strangers. That's 230,000 a year. If you factor in 30 years (since the late 80's when Franklin happened) that's nearly 9 million children abducted by strangers. (These figures courtesy of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children). Where are they all? Clearly, I'm not implying that all of these children are brought to Washington and given or sold to powerful pedophiles. I'm just trying to show the enormity of the situation.

I believe that what is going on is that these children are used for sex and then killed in ritualistic fashion and their blood used to stop aging by powerful elites. If you look at these photos of Hillary Clinton, you will see a stark contrast.

Both pictures were taken at different times during the last election, but are from the same year. You can only do so much with makeup. There is something very peculiar here.

The practice of child sacrifice dates to prehistory. Using the blood of children to prevent aging has been going on for centuries, if not longer. I've written about the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory who drank the blood of children to preserve her youthful appearance. It was also rumored that she bathed in blood, but that was just a rumor, no actual proof exists. Also, look at the legend of Dracula.

The real Prince Vlad Dracul, was a Romanian nobleman who is a hero for having fought off the Muslim invasion and has nothing whatever to do with vampirism. However, there are legends of vampirism in Eastern Europe as well as other places around the globe. Like most myths, they have some basis in fact. What exactly are vampires? People- "the undead"- ancient (or at least elderly) creatures that need the blood of the living to stay alive (or at least ambulatory). Their victims were most often children who were taken from their beds and drained of blood. Is it really such a stretch that it could be happening today. If you Google, children's blood as a serum to prevent aging, you'd be surprised at what you'll find. Would it really be a surprise to discover that power elites in Washington as well as cultural elites in Hollywood would buy into such a concept?

What do we know about power elites? That they try to maintain power for as long as possible. Look at David Rockefeller, he's 101 and still kicking. What's keeping him going? It isn't good genes...he looks like that creepy guy with the hooded robe in Star Wars. Or, have you seen Barbra Streisand without makeup? She'd scare a hungry dog out a truck full of meat! What do we know about the elites in Hollywood? They're wealthy, vain, and most of them are at least a little bit crazy. I ask again, would it really be a surprise for them to be involved? Most of them have bought into every whacky religion coming down the pike at one time or another.

With the renewed popularity of vampirism, clubs have sprung up across America. Most of these "vampires" are delusional young people who merely act the part. Some, but very few, actually drink blood and when they do, it's from each other. Most are "emotional vampires."

The point is that this behavior is becoming mainstreamed. To me it doesn't seem to big of a leap to the drinking children's blood to preserve youth. Although the vampirism in the video is mostly a pop culture phenomenon, the imbibing of blood to prevent aging is being packaged as science. This would naturally provide it with a patina of acceptability. It would also explain why no victims have been coming forward. It's pretty difficult to accuse somebody when you're drained of blood.

Whether or not this is correct remains to be seen (or not). Once again, this is conjecture on my part and not intended to be presented as evidence. It does make sense though.

The last link contains a copy of the Franklin Scandal documentary, a Conspiracy of Silence.

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I up voted for the well written post. I don't have a personal conjecture/speculation on this topic. I tend to react to it more when I see someone trying to censor people speaking about it our using logical fallacies to attack it. I don't actually know much other than what has come out in the past few months about this.

I am very familiar with Elizabeth Bathory, Moloch, etc.

There was a Metal band called Bathory...come to think of it I think you covered them. What bothers me is the paucity of victims. This would explain what happened to them, even though I really hope it isn't so. I do believe that it's what is happening.

Yeah they are in the First Wave of Black Metal post I did in the Metal Tree series.

Well the entire Bohemian Grove thing that a lot of the Elites and many presidents (before and after) seems to have ties to Moloch, with it's Cremation of Care ritual.

I find that title "Cremation of Care" an informative title. If you burn off your "care" then you don't have to worry about your conscience getting in the way of your plans. Is this what they are doing?

I think the "Cremation of Care" is just to show solidarity. By doing it together, in secret, they display their total lack of conscience to one another, but not to us. So yes, you're right, it is what they're doing I believe.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Killery is certainly looking pretty hot - I've got a gallery of her sexy pics on my web page about her!

PS - no those pics are not the same killary - there are at least two stand ins in rotation

I understand she has several body doubles. Also theories about her having Kuru, a disease similar to Mad Cow Disease (caused from eating meat) prevalent in cannibals in New Guinea.

I feel like as long as they don't bring anyone to justice any accusation is fair game and likely true due to the clear inability of our current legal system in the U.S.

I seriously doubt is anybody will ever be brought to justice. If they are, it will be some low level scapegoat, not the real evil people. Maybe Alefantis will take the fall...his personna got a little too public.

But if you're saying she drinks blood for youth, then you say she look older in the same year? Wouldn't the latter not be the case if your former point was indeed the case?

Going by the logic of the argument, the blooddrinker would need a continuous supply of blood to maintain optimum "youth".

Like me when I'm too lazy to restock my synthroid.

From my own perspective, the whole Pizzagate was the Clinton syndicate using a the pizza code for other purposes (ordering minutes of pizza?, OK), possibly illegal campaign activites; noting the "art" and occult "hobbies" of that crowd, it is plausible that they adapted known pedo codes just for sick thrills.

Which is the problem when people hide facts and deceive; other people can start reading deeper into it. Maybe there was something in the security emails that the Clinton syndicate destroyed that could explain the matter satisfactorily.

And considering that some government agencies and industries have covered for pedo rings in the past (Rotherdam, Hollywood - Roman Polanski is a hero to the Hollywood crowd), it is not that hard to jump to a pedo conclusion.

Since there is a lack of evidence, people assign their own experiences and beliefs into it. The people that have uncritically accepted the Ministry of Truth's "debunking" will say let let's mov on from this, while the people that have noted a consistent pattern of lying and deceit on the part of the media will be more receptive to the idea that pedophilia and murder are at the core of the Podesta emails.

Not necessarily. If the effects were permanent it would be. But, if as I suspect the effects are temporary, a constant supply would be necessary. The first picture I believe is after a "dose" and the second after the effects had worn off.

Ah, gotcha, needs a "fix" lol

Yes! There are other photos even less flattering but someone had written memes on them. I couldn't find one in pristine condition.

Good article...what most of these (I've seen numerous) fail to mention is the absolute sadism with which Saville treated his victims. I saw some videos of interviews of girls from an orphanage he was associated with. I've got so much info on the UK aspect, I wouldn't even know how to tie it all in. Not sure there's a direct link...but, maybe.

Not sure there's a direct link...but, maybe.

thats the right attitude, I think

keep looking while not expecting to find anything

I'm fundamentally a skeptic, but I see things that cause me to look deeper. Then I look into those things and find other infinitum! I wind up with so much stuff I don't know what to do with a lot of it. I watched a video today (1 hr +) about Hillary, cannibalism and Kuru. It wound up being mostly a diatribe against Jews and ritualistic sacrifice. There was about 10 minutes of viable material and 55 minutes of junk.


It's like I said, people fall back on faith when there are no facts ( and sometimes when the facts counter their faith). Some people hate Jews and put them at the center of every interpretation.

You can't really argue that Jews are not part of the possible kakistrocacy , individuals and families.

But focusing on them kind of blinds people to other trails that the data may produce.

And I'm the same way, to tell the truth. I wouldn't have been able to watch that whole video to glean the 10 minutes of useful data, I would have said "this is crap" and moved on. I make the assumption that I can find any given piece of data from one more source.

But I may be wrong in that. I'm glad that other people can wade through the sewers to find the gems

I kept hoping it would let go of the anti-Jewish narrative and go back to the topic. There was some good stuff in there from Alex Jones (surprise) about using blood to sustain youth. There was also sort of a history of medical cannibalism. I'm fairly certain some Jews may do this...there is evidence that shows it does exist. But, it's a logical fallacy (composition or division- it's been a long time) to assume that it's a common practice. The argument is...Bob is a boy and has blue eyes. Therefore, boys have blue eyes. (I think it's composition- what's true of one is true of the whole)

nesting reply - remind me to tell you about Alex one of these days, got some stories from the old access TV days.

I did take over his timeslot when I did my show about illegal immigration

I have to admit, he has been more right about some things than I had given him credit for before

His information is generally on even. My problem is that his success seems to be going to his head (The same would probably happen to me). I watched an interview he did with someone and he kept interrupting to interject his opinions. He pretty much took over the interview.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

So's Spring...what's your point???

@the.masses is doing what got people flagged by moderators in the earlier days of steem.
It is known as spam, because any bot can run around posting the same stuff on tons of steem articles to get attention.

Thanks...seems like he's hitting everybody!