in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today, I watched a podcast, "Truth Unsealed," which dealt with James Comey, former F.B.I. Director. The contention was that his active involvement with and cover-up of "PizzaGate" materially led to Comey's abrupt firing. The key sources were unnamed F.B.I. agents/employees. Although the key component (in my mind) was difficult to believe at first, I am aware of aberrant psychology and cannot rule it out. In such moments it is easy to recall the old "Ripley's Stranger Than Fiction" series [or Lord Byron's famous comment on "truth"].

In this podcast one assertion was that James Comey had an obsession with Howdy Doody, the boy puppet of early television fame. It was this obsession that linked him with Jeffrey Epstein and his "pleasure island." According to this podcast's information, he had young boys made-up to appear to be Howdy Doody and engaged in sex with them. On one occasion it was alleged that former president Bill Clinton sought to observe Comey's fantasy. It was also alleged that one of Prince Charles' adult sons dressed up as Howdy Doody. It was commented that this activity, as well as other activities, such as "banking fixer," led to the unexpected stance of James Comey during investigations of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and, naturally, PizzaGate. The podcast was well-executed and projected credibility despite of the bizarre activities and unnamed sources.

It cannot be overlooked that the Clintons virtually boasted of possessing material of presumably unsavory nature which, if revealed, could bring everyone down [with them]. Message: Don't tread on us!

Part of the items credibility also rests upon the undoubted pedophilia in the U.K. among elements of its elite, as well as in the U.S.A. High-level influence peddling, espionage and pimping by such notorious characters as Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein linked the elites of both countries in unspeakably vile doings, including hints of murdering of children.

Around 1862 an association of homosexuals were gathered under the name, or title, "Urnings" or "Uranians." By 1893 they had formed an organization entitled, "The Order of Chaeronea." This order modelled itself off Freemasonry, incorporating secret initiation procedures, signs and symbols. The inference would be that at least some of them had been Freemasons, but they felt a need to specialize. The mission of this group ostensively was pretty much what the Urnings sought: tolerance of and equality with the larger society.

However, this Order actually wanted more; they sought control of national societies. To that end, they sought "a comradeship which is stronger than that of the monastic orders or of Freemasonry, which grips tighter and makes a link across all the walls of creed, state, and class, which unites the most remote, the most foreign, in a fraternal league of offense and defense. Men of this breed are to be found everywhere, at courts, in high positions in armies and navies, in the editorial offices of great newspapers, at tradesmen's and teachers' desks, even on the bench. All rally together against the common enemy." [Source for Urnings et al material: SCARLET AND THE BEAST, Volume II, page 63]

When one fears that his/her activity isn't actually normal, he/she is also likely to be suspicious that others view him/her negatively and may want to halt the activity or hurt the perpetrator. Controlling the environment becomes more important, even existential. I view this to be true with the members of the Order of Chaeronea. I also view it to be true of the pedophilia associations, which I suspect are now operating within a powerful secret society. Such an association, or order, may - at its most powerful manifestation - be overtly Luciferian.

As with Freemasonry and the Order of Chaeronea, such a pedophiliac association is highly likely to use rituals, signs and symbols to communicate and plan. The F.B.I. has posted on the Internet some signs & symbols used by the pedophilia networks. There has been tremendous attention focused on this crime against children. For me one of the unexpected sites for pedophilia was Giphy, where images of pizza slices & hotdogs (or similar items) are common. This is not an accusation that Giphy is involved, but this application appears to be used for such communication by the initiated - formally or otherwise.

Due to data loosely associated with PizzaGate , as well as prior instances of pervertedly inclined, powerful individuals joining together to advance their singular interests - or circling the wagons, I do believe that Comey's efforts to thwart investigations into irregular activities has a strong probability of being based, not merely on protecting others to whom he may feel indebted, but on saving his own ass. Self-preservation is so important to animals. Law is important to some people.

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