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Hey Man !! great this video report !! thanks really for keeping this can of worms open and visible !! I was doin g the same but it was making me really ill and questioning our reality !! Took a break but thanks to your great message I shall be doin g too what i can ) Steem On and Strong !!

Thank you- your enthusiastic words mean a lot : )

You should join us on the trails... Let me know when you get there and I'll get you on our private server used for pizzagate investigations and stuff:

ok signed up- 'lobo'

are you the Winston Wolfe profile?

No 'Lobo'

Did you make it to the steemtrails server?

not sure- new to all of this- is this it?

Here ya go... you can also click on the + in the circle and copy/paste the link in there if your comp won't let you open it:


Hmmmm- got your invite to pizza gate room but Mac won't let me open it. Can you delete and resend?