Submit Your "Unanswered Questions" Regarding PizzaGate / PedoGatesteemCreated with Sketch.

in pizzagate •  8 years ago  (edited)

Documentary Film "The Unanswered Questions About PizzaGate / PedoGate" Will Be an Open Source Film

Creating a New Documentary to Compile all the Evidence Regarding PizzaGate by Asking the Unanwered Questions.

The time has finally come for me to compile another full length documentary regarding PizzaGate, and the questions that still remain. See I feel it is often best to use the Socratic method when dealing with these cases, and pointing out the unanswered questions brought forth by the evidence. This is often a very good way of introducing this material to new people, and to leave them thinking about the questions, which makes them want to research and learn. We don't want to tell people "what to think", we want to teach people "how to think" and they will come to the truth on their own. I have been compiling videos, articles, evidence for months, yet there are now more questions than answers. I feel like most people just want answers to their questions regarding this case. However to get the answers we seek, we must first identify the best questions we want answered. For if we do not compile the best questions we will be left with nothing but Megan Kelly softball interviews and whitewashed questions, and we will get some sort of answer like:

Leave Your Questions and Best Pieces of Evidence Below in the Replies

My last full length documentary on PizzaGate went semi viral on the internet, generating over 1 million views on various channels before YouTube removed it. On my channel it had over 250K views in about a week. On another channel it had over 400k views, etc. Once I had to remove it and re-upload it, the view count has been significantly lowered and it is pushed way down the google search results. My point is, a full feature documentary on this subject, a new one with all the information since that one was released compiled could bring a lot more awareness to this subject and help get us some answers to our questions and justice for the victims. So my plan is to do the best job I can with all your help, to compile the best questions and evidence we have into a full length film on this subject. I only want to include well vetted and sourced information, no rumors or speculation, I am going to leave all my personal biases and religious beliefs out of this film, and just report the facts.

Please help me out by putting your best questions below in the replies. I will choose the best questions from my twitter followers, my steemit followers, and a few other sources for the documentary. If you would like to be given credit for the question please let me know and I will give you credit in the film. I already have a personal list of questions, and I will post them below in the replies after I give everyone else a chance for a bit to post their questions first. Please post any evidence that you want covered in the film as well, just be sure to have verifiable sources for the evidence you submit, I don't want subjective stuff or rumors. I want this film to be taken seriously by people who don't believe PizzaGate is real, so we have to be as careful as possible to not include errors, misinformation or anything copyright related.

My Number 1 Question for James Alefantis

"What was in the Comet Ping Pong Protected Section on your website that required a Download Key to access and had a content delivery server set up in Germany?"

  • I know the answer, Alefantis knows the answer and so does the DC Police. I will drop this bombshell in the documentary if no arrests are made between now and this film's release. There is also a FOIA request to get more information on all this already in place.

Now Your Turn Steemit. Let's show Everyone Just How Awesome Steemians are at Research

I think Steemit users put reddit and voat to shame in terms of research, and I have said so on my YouTube channel, now prove me right. I will give everyone about 24 Hours to post their replies, and their questions, then I will start posting the questions I think were left out and the evidence I think was left out in the replies. I want to compile everything here, all links etc. So that it is easy for me to make sure I did not miss anything. This means I need all your help. I wish to mainly compile this documentary this upcoming weekend, so you have till then to submit all your evidence and fill out any questions or evidence missed below.

A good link someone sent me on twitter for example:

Happy Hunting Everyone!

Help me out by up-voting and re-steeming this and or by making me an Independent Journalist by funding me on Patreon with monthly support. My Patreon

Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

All votes are for 100% SP Powering Up, because I believe in this steemit platform long term. I also plan to be alive for a long time, see my Clinton Body Count Film to understand why I say this.

You can also connect with me on:

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I've already communicated this to you vie tweeter but will repeat my 'unanswered question' for the benefit of steemit readers.

Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, on a Breitbart radio interview found here...... asserts that he has a high level (chief or assistant chief) person in the NYPD that has informed him that the MYPD found a huge amount of evidence on Weiner's computer.

The find was' merely state department emails but also apparently included evidence that implicates the Clintons in child trafficking and pedophelia. Prince asserts that HRC visited Jeffrey Epstens pedophile island at least 6 times and Bill Clinton at least 20.

Prince asserts that his contact within NYPD states that the MYPD had planned a press conference to brief the public on this new evidence BUT was shut down by AG Lynch's DOJ

So I'd say a HUGE unanswered question is what is that evidence found by the NYPD- did the DOJ shut down the NYPD announcement in order to protect Clinton and others involved or was to keep the lid on what is hopefully a very large investigation? Whatever the case Americans deserve to know what was found on Weiner's computer.

Here's the Breitbart article where I originally heard the interview.

Anyone out there have any idea how to reach Erik Prince? I have made an effort yet haven't been able to come up with anything- I'd love to interview him via telephone.

Somebody needs to look into the connection of Michael and his son Max Maccoby with Alefantis, Silsby, Max was the lawyer for David Brock and Alefantis. Max is on the board of Friends of the Orphans. His dad is a "coach" for staff of Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (the parent org of Friends). There are ties to pedophilia symbols at Max's law firm (in the right neighborhood too). I have links to Voat articles if you want them. I'm getting tired of doing a bunch of investigating and writing so everyone else can get the credit, but I'm happy to give you what I have. Also, are you familiar with a Y-Tube channel called Wahrheitssuche2017? This person is releasing your videos under his/her name. I watched one yesterday and it was one of yours.

This is a first for me - posting on any forum - but I appreciate the chance to ask some questions:
A) Coded words in Podesta emails definitely weird/creepy, I believe the decoded key (Pizza=girl) that #Pizzagate researchers have been using but it would be seriously convincing for newcomers/skeptics to see a source for the list, like the FBI symbols.
B. Any links or similarities to the Norwegian ring bust on Nov 20 (that actually included many nations) - is this why the police/FBI are silent? Are you aware of the Toronto bust in 2014 for serious child porn/child abuse/trafficking (that was conducted with multiple countries including US postal police for mail crimes):

It seems like there are so many Child Sex ring bust involving many countries (UK, Belgium, Netherland, Spain, Australia,...), why isn't the media connecting the dot or at least asking why this is such a prevalence problem, it hardly gets mentioned in MSM?
C) My husband is an artist and we looked at Kim Noble paintings - or at least the those done by one of her "multiple personalities" (Ria Pratt, see link) that you will recognize in a Comet Ping Pong photo, this is sick/sad stuff. Other researchers covered it a bit but if you look at it closely, read the scrawls in her paintings (ideally with a mirror), it is very disturbing, I would say more daming than Majestic Ape if that's possible:
D) PizzagateGear guy Ryan was interviewed by Random Rants of Ryan last week and it appears that he is legit - and returned all funds from t-shirts so no one accuses him of profiteering. I know initially you were skeptical then I think you changed your mind. Anyway, what does this say about Alefantis? Still incredible that he is so stupid/reckless unless he believes he is above the law. Can it be that Pegasus is his Achilles heel? Are they really digging to reach an underground tunnel system- or is there proof of an underground tunnel below Pegasus that connects with Buck's and Comet?
E)What is now the official MSM narrative for Edgar Welch? Is he in jail as this article suggests 10 years jail time for charges. See the first Police Report if you are interested - according to me doesn't match other reports (see ZeroHedge 'Sharif Silmi' twitter video testimony of witnesses who said they were asked to leave so they grabbed their pizza and beers to exit! Some scare!)) - they tried to fix that in the next official report where the number of customers is not mentioned. Based on Police Report, I'm not sure Sharif & his family could have been in the restaurant if two other guys were because the Police report says only 3 patrons were there and "ran out shouting" - again not matching the "We grabbed our beers after being told by service that someone walk in with a concealed weapon" (I'm convinced this was a hoax), - police report & US District Court docs imbedded in the articles
This last US district court report is interesting as it emphasizes all the "investigative" YouTube videos on #Pizzagate (maybe your 1st documentary) - also timelines are off from previously reported and apparently now he walked in with firearm across chest (not concealed like Sharif Silmi suggests with Alex Jones) - why the change of story, not a 'concealed weapon' charges?

Sharif Silmi twitter video (not sure see beginning) with testimony from two guys:

Last comment - is there anything more to say about the Alefantis white house log, what days (weekend?time?visit with who?).

Thank you for all your work....look forward to it! No credit is desired.

Awesome thanks for the reply!

A) The symbols were from the FBI source list. The code words were all well known pedophile code words in online communities such as 4chan, where there is a serious pedophile problem in the community especially on /b/, the code words were all well established in places like urban dictionary, via movies such as "chickenhawk" chickenlover = pedophile, these were not created for PizzaGate, but had been well known about beforehand which is why they are such damning evidence. The code words are not FBI sourced, they are well established pedo slang words, that were recognized by 4chan users.

b) I covered both of those pedo busts in a video update awhile ago, not sure which one, but yest I will cover that in a section of the documentary where I discuss similar cases. "Are there similar cases to PizzaGate?" would be the question, and the answer will be yes hence the term "PedoGate's use"

c) Can you show me exactly what images you are referencing, also keep in mind Noble's artwork was never on display at comet, Noble's artwork was merely used as a cross reference for the art that was up in Comet made by other people and the art in Podesta's homes.

d) I already apologized to Ryan for questioning him after I heard the Opperman interview in a video update I did. I believe he is legit and I will cover his story int he section where I discuss the many people who have been threatened and harassed by Alefantis (2 so far Ryan and the ex employee) or possible associates of Alefantis (Including someone who had their truck totaled, and just had a guy in camo arrested who was snooping around their backyard).

E) The Welch thing is complicated, it was a clear false flag, that may have actually backfired in Comet's face. There is a FOIA request in place to get more information on the Police Report regarding the HD in the office that was where the "lone shot" got fired into. According to my source that HD contained the same smoking gun evidence as was found in the comet ping pong protected section via illegal hacking. Therefore allowing the Police to obtain the data legally that they already knew existed, this means the Police should have the smoking gun evidence to put bare minimum Alefantis and anyone downloading that data into jail. I will drop this bombshell int he documentary if no arrests have been made by it's release.

The white house log is real, and shows Alefantis visited multiple times. I believe once at least with Obama directly or twice, I'll have to look at it again, and no I am not sure anyone has done an analysis of the times and dates.

The Sharif Silmi interview with Alex Jones was the last straw for me with that zionist shill Jones. That entire interview is a bad joke, and an obvious coverup attempt. Since that shooting has been used to make the PizzaGate conspirators out to be "victims", which is utter nonsense. They are guilty and they know it, it is just the net is wider than we thought and the entire system is involved therefore helping with the coverup.

As for Trump he is highly connected to all this via DynCorp as George Webb has done a good job of documenting, so this may end up in a big fat coverup, in which case the only people who will suffer are the actual victims the children who we are trying to help.

Hi Titus
This is the photo that I thought had been used either in a poster or in an Instagram post by JimmyComet - but a quick look around internet for telltale pics and I can't find it (maybe you can), so maybe her artwork came to light only after the Comet Ping Pong poster of the "falling/dissociating" woman (see bottom of the next link) revealed Kim Noble's disturbing artwork, even if genuine and not PizzaGate related - I agree best not to focus on this in the documentary.

But for the record, the poster using her artwork (see bottom of post in next link)- apparently "someone" says the poster was never used and Kim Noble never had any dealings with CPP but the evidence suggests it was used as a poster (see two pieces of indirect evidences) so "someone" is most likely lying - why? did CPP get permission from Kim Noble?
The band advertised on the poster "Teenage Aviation" has a YouTube video dated the same date (April 6 2012) as the poster of their gig at CPP (why would the poster not have been used if the event happened as advertised?)

Also the poster was featured in an Instagram taken at Comet Ping Pong's rec room in 2014 - see 2nd image from the right in top row - seems being portrayed as a bonified CPP add:

I'll leave it at that. Don't think it merits more research now.
Thanks for the reply!

How in the hell does a convicted child trafficker (Laura Silsby / Gayler) have a job working for Alert Sense??

The whereabouts of the Podesta brothers from May 1st 2007 to June 1st 2007.
Were they in Portugal at the time of McCann's abduction?

Yep, I am going to start with this actually. Thanks for the reply. You want credit for bringing it up?

I don't think I should get credit for that, it's been a big question mark for weeks! I just want to see it discussed in your doc. There are heaps of questions that should be brought up, i'll send you a few more suggestions if I can think of other good ones.
By the way, I like the concept of this project. Open source all the way!

James Alefantis is Running a Massive "Facebook for Kids" CIA Front
PROOF: James Alefantis is Running Massive CIA Finders Child Trafficking Website “KIDZWORLD.COM INC.”

I'm certain you're aware of the following lead,

Sharif Salmi appeared on the Alex Jones show back in early Dec. with information on Comet Ping Pong, and a personal request to "Back Off" the #pizzagate investigation.
"You're attacking hard working people there..." Salmi pleads on the show.
And after this interview, the AJ Show stopped reporting on #pizzagate.

I happen to agree with BronnyNZ's assessment. But this man, Salmi, needs to be famous IMHO.

Titus, I'd like share my research like @richq11. BronnyNZ has my contact info. Please consider getting in touch. Kind regards.

Yeah I was going to include the Alex Jones interview in this documentary and completely tear it to shreds. Don't worry I got this one. I have been saving this for awhile now.

Feel free to connect with me, every post has all my info.