Pizza recipe - homemade dough - easy to make - delicious (eng/srp)

in pizzarecipe •  7 years ago 

"Tools" - "alat" :)

  • Plastic bowl - plastična činija
  • Rolling pin - oklagija
  • Cup - šolja
  • Spoon - kašika
  • Teaspoon - kašičica
  • Fork - viljuška
  • Your hands :D - ruke

Ingredients: - (sastojci)

  • Flour ( 17 spoons, more or less, spoon or two ) - 17 kašika brašna, otprilike
  • Yeast (1/4) - četvrtina kocke svežeg kvasca
  • Lukewarm water (1/2 cup) - pola šolje mlake vode
  • Milk (1/2 cup) - pola šolje mleka
  • 1 spoon of sunflower oil - 1 kašika suncokretovog ulja
  • 1 teaspoon of salt - 1 kašičica soli
  • Ketchup - kečap
  • Ham - šunka, isečena u listiće
  • Sliced cheese - tvrdi sir sečen u listiće
  • Sliced dry sausage (or bacon, if you prefer) - sušena kobasica sečena na listiće (može i slanina, ko kako voli nek' izvoli)
  • Oregano - origano

When it comes to how much ketchup, ham, cheese, salt, dry sausage or oregano you are going to use, it is all up to you and how you like it. - Koliko ćete staviti kečapa, šunke, sira, soli, suve kobasice ili origana zavisi od vas i količine koja se vama svidja.

Step 1

Mix 1/4 of yeast with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water - Pomešajte 1/4 kvasca sa pola šolje mlake vode

Step 2

Add 1/2 cup of milk - Dodajte pola šolje mleka

Step 3

Add 1 spoon of sunflower oil - Dodajte 1 kašiku ulja

Step 4

Add flour and then add 1 teaspoon of salt - Dodajte brašno i 1 kašičicu soli

Step 5

Mix all the ingredients together - Pomešajte sve sastojke

Step 6

Knead the dough and add a little bit of flour until the dough doesn't stick to the fingers and you get "a ball" of dough looking like this. You can leave it for a while to rise. (15 minutes, more or less) - Mešajte testo i dodavajte malo po malo brašna dok se ne bude lepilo za prste i dobijete lopticu testa kao na slici. Možete ga ostaviti neko vreme da naraste.(oko 15min.)

Step 7

Put the dough on the baking paper - Stavite testo na papir za pečenje

Step 8

Put just a little bit of sunflower oil on your hands in order to get greasy and the dough won't stick to your fingers.
Then press the dough with the palm of your hand to flatten it. - Stavite malčice ulja na dlanove da bi se zamastili i da se ne bi testo lepilo. I onda pritiskajte testo dlanom da bi se razvuklo.

Step 9

Use the rolling pin to flatten the dough more. - Koristite oklagiju da jos više razvučete testo.

Step 10

Put the dough with the baking paper in the pan. Put ketchup all over the dough. - Testo zajedno sa papirom za pečenje stavite u tepsiju i namažite kečapom.

Step 11

Add some ham, cover the dough with it and on the top of it add some slices of dry sausage. And then cover it all with cheese. Add oregano. - Dodajte šunku, prekrijte testo sa njom, i onda preko dodajte listice kobasice. Preko svega toga stavite sir. I na kraju, pospite origanom.

Of course, if you like, you can add olives and champiginions. Or whatever you like to have on your pizza. - Naravno, ako želite, možete dodati masline i šampinjone, ili sta god želite na vašoj pizzi.

And the "final touch"- how I like to call it :)

Step 12

Preheat the oven on 200 degrees and when it's heated put the pizza in it. It takes about 15-20 minutes to bake. - Uključite rernu na 200 stepeni i kada se zagreje, stavite pizzu da se peče. Obično se peče nekih 15-20 min.

Voila! It's done! Hope you will like it! - Voila! Gotova je. Nadam se da će vam se svideti!

Looks like a slice of pizza Batman would have! :D - Izgleda kao parče koje bi Betmen pojeo! :D

Bon appetit! - Prijatno! Da nam budete debeli i srećni! :D

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Looks good, ili pošto je dvojezično dobra pizza :D

Hvala! Bila je ukusna! :D

Thank you for the recipe, I use a very similar one, almost identical :)
Wow, you use so much oregano that your pizza is black lol :D

I said it's Batman pizza ! :D

LIke the touch at the end "STEEMIT"

hvala :)