How to Avoid Plagiarism? Best Guidelines

in plagiarism •  2 years ago  (edited)

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When you’re writing a paper, it’s important to make sure that your work is original. Plagiarism can be a big problem, and can lead to your paper being marked down or even rejected. The Latin term for "kidnapper" is the root of the word "plagiarism." It involves stealing someone else's thoughts or ideas and not giving them credit simple it is.

Guidelines to avoid Plagiarism

Don't simply replicate

Rather than merely repeating what you've read, describe other people's ideas or results (using references) and their importance to your argument in your writing. Avoid using the cut and paste feature in electronic materials since it encourages you to just duplicate what you've read word for word.

Use a variety of sources

When composing your tasks, don't just rely on one source. Discussing concepts from many sources demonstrates that you have read widely and are able to build your own opinions based on your reading. Remember that relevant sources can be found in both paper and electronic formats.

Create your own style

During your stay at university, you should work on developing your personal writing style. Make an effort to be concise and straightforward. Using the words of another author will make your work stand out and may alert lecturers to probable plagiarism.

Keep high-quality notes

Remember to insert direct quotations in quotation marks when taking notes from your sources, and always keep a record of your sources. This will assist you in avoiding accidental plagiarism. It also makes gathering references for your tasks much easier.

Make use of quotation marks.

If you wish to cite a brief excerpt from another author's words verbatim, make sure to put them in quotation marks to show that it is a direct quote. Direct quotes should be used rarely and should not contain a lot of content. They should be utilized when indicating an important thought or emphasizing where you discovered the specific idea you're using. Remember that if you use someone else's ideas in your work, you must acknowledge it by citing it.

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