Plagiarism has become one of the most profitable means of revenue on Steemit

in plagiarism •  9 years ago  (edited)

Apparently Steemit has become a community where you can rip other people's work and strike gold. What's worse is some of the community has become accepting of such behavior. Please remember when you up vote something, you reward the author with not only SP and SBD also you boost that particular users reputation.

In this example, the author edits his article to include the source, but only after being hounded and realizing he might risk his payout. But is this really acceptable? 

Some people don't seem to care, I would like to see us being more mindful of our votes and remember that other people can be persuaded to also vote simply by the current voters.

I personally would like to see this community continue to do what it has been doing, promoting new and original content.  

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Agreed! People can and should site info from other sites, But never plagiarize.
Luckily we have bots that are pointing it out when necessary, I feel like people are becoming more intolerant of that.

It's not acceptable! Few hours ago I read about one guy who copied whole story! The other one from original was peaced.
There is a line you should never cross it to earn money, plagiarism is one of that line.

This should be trending, because its a serious issue i think!I dont think it should be accepted to be honest!

Even though I'm new here, but i've seen some examples the prove your point.

I'm going to copy and past this post to prove your point.. Ha. :)

I find value in being able to come to a site like this and see content from all over the internet aggregated into one single place, so I don't have to scour the entire internet myself to keep up with the happenings in a subject of particular interest to me. For instance, if the subcategory ethereum gives me articles, blogs, documents, tweets, ect. from many different sources and aggregates it into one convenient feed, then I find value in it, and I will up-vote the people who are willing to bring all that content into one central location like steem. That said, they should cite their sources or I won't upvote it.

If an author wants to collect the money from posting on this site, then they should post their own content here before someone else does. After all, its just a simple copy and paste.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

If they are not aware of then how can they do that?

It shouldn't be the responsibility of a content creator to scour the far recesses of the internet trying to protect his property. If we had to do that all day, there would be no time to eat, sleep and create the content that others profit from with 2 minutes of copy and pasting.

All of these are excuses in order to be able to enjoy or even profit from others work without having to pay them or be inconvenienced to actually go to the original content providers website.

We can do better, and should do better. This site is still in beta and working out it's identity. We don't want a FB clone or Reddit clone or Medium clone. We want our own paradigm changing platform that will be it's own unique entity.


  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Interesting news that is plagiarized is still plagiarized. There is the right way to do it and the wrong way.

Many people are making more money than the original authors are for doing nothing more than ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

It is our responsibility to shape the direction of because we all have a say to varying degrees as to how it should look going forward. I'm in the "respect the content owner" camp, but I know there are many who just want to see the world burn and don't give a wit about anyone else. They just want to make money or enjoy things without having to give back to the source.

We have the opportunity to change the system for the better, so that those creators can come to Steemit and make money for their work directly without having to be a slave or give their work away for free to big corporations in the hopes they get exposure and get paid the "normal" way.

We need to support our fellow humans in this and not rip them off and be kicking them too!

Power to the people!

News piece that is edited in one's own way is completely different from a plagiarized ones and Steemit sometimes even detects a news piece that is completely edited as plagiarized just for the sake of some quoted lines huh how can this be ok? then there wouldn't be any news sites even Google will not do that when it comes to news reports ....

That's right. And nobody is complaining about non-plagiarized news or articles.

Bots are not perfect, but we need something to help sift through the tons of plagiarized content here.

Google is a search engine, and Steemit is not.

I wonder how people will feel when their Steemit post gets copy and pasted by someone else and the user copying their work makes 5k and they made 5 cents. That user would scream bloody murder and try to get the Steemit " authorities" to do something about it. But that same user would have no problem at all taking the content of someone outside of Steemit in order to make a profit for themselves.

Greed, theft, a lack of ethics and some odd mental block that keeps them from seeing that what they are doing is all of these things. They blame the victim (the content creator) for putting the content on the web in the first place where it apparently becomes free to pilfer and suggest that the content creator should have to track down those that are using their work without permission rather than the abuser ask the content creator for permission in the first place.

The more I think about this issue the more contempt I have.