
in plandemic •  4 years ago 

Michigan is now unlocked. Doctors plan to give Trump Remdesivir and nano tech antibodies 5 more times post-hospital, doctors are murdering Trump worse than Reagan.

Bill Gates is Doctor Evil

Bill Gates gets richer thanks to being invested in the Plandemic.

2020-10-05 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 166pics, 1folder-4pics | Mirror | Video

Doctors Are Murdering President Donald Trump Via 2 Experimental Drugs

Dear God, please push Donald Trump Jr. to get a second opinion from other doctors from other hospitals for his father before the side effects, allergic reactions, autoimmune responses, etc, end up eating up the President's immune system and eventually his life.


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2020-10-05 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-05 - Monday
Published in October of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-10-05 13:02:41.png
Covid is BioWeapon Warfare

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Doctors are killing Trump via 2 bad drugs.

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What is going on in the world?
10:30 AM

Lockdown is murdering people through starvation because when people do not work, then they have no money to buy food and supply chains are breaking globally, millions of people have already died because of starvation in 2020 beyond the normal statistics: economic recession.

How is Trump doing?

Doctors are killing Trump and people are laughing about it.

Is Trump helping?

10:46 AM - Twitter

Hey kids, time to get an abortion.

What did you say to Trump?

11:34 AM - Twitter

Those drugs may kill you, get a second opinion from other doctors, you're making a huge mistake, talk to your son, Don Jr. The treatment was recommended by Fauci.

On Friday, Trump was administrated 2 untested experimental Anthony Fauci drugs.

Just one is dangerous enough by itself, two makes it even deadlier, potentially, doctors are giving Trump terrible advice.

Trump deserves a second opinion.

Retweet if you agree.

Fauci was behind HIV, AIDS, and now is drugging up Trump to death.

What did you say to Scott Adams?

10:54 AM - Twitter

We should end lockdown and go back to work as millions of people globally starve to death in 2020 beyond normal annual numbers as supply chains break; meanwhile, doctors are drugging Trump to death. Trump needs to leave that bad hospital and take off his stupid mask.

Peggy asked me what kind of doctor are you?

Peggy, look at those experimental drugs they give to murder Trump and go take some yourself. Just take a look to research it. All you have to do is ignore this Tweet and remain in ignorance.

Fake news is simultaneously saying Trump faked his Covid test and is fear-mongering how he's going to spread Covid to people all over the place.

Hey fake news, which is it?

Do Not Live in Fear

01:29 PM

Trump aint wrong on his hero's journey.

Trump Out of the Hospital

05:20 PM - Twitter

Trump was given dangerous drugs. Beg Trump to get off the bad drugs they are giving Trump. Trump was given bad advice which will get him killed.

But Trump was given dangerous drugs. Trump should ask for a second opinion from other doctors.

The drugs they gave Trump is dangerous, untested, experimental. When drugs are combined with other drugs, it becomes even riskier. Side effects. Autoimmune responses, etc. Trump must seek second opinions from other doctors or else.

Patriots like Trump should use the Patriot Act as patriots like Batman and his team used cell phones as sonar in The Dark Knight and then destroy that spy system after that.

Trump should debate Biden with, "The people that control Biden...."

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube


Football Police Mask Tyranny

11:50 AM - Hive

Screenshot at 2020-10-05 11:49:16 Football Police Mask Tyranny.png

The principle forced a high school football game to end because somebody outside the stadium was not wearing a mask. Police refused to arrest the man.

But drugs might.

Fauci gave Trump drugs.

Lockdown for 3 years to come or more they say.


My Nerdy Home

12:20 AM - The Walking Dead- A Certain Doom | WATCH PARTY

Common Wealth look like Space Force.

General Shepherd

12:32 AM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 10/4/20

John Bound has freedom in his DNA, just look at his ancestors, one man helped in getting freedoms for Americans in like the 1700's or 1800's.

General Shepherd

10:43 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Monday - 10/5/20

Regarding Trump, doctors said his liver functions are normal. Why did they say that? Because doctors are poisoning Trump to death.

Michigan is now unlocked.

Can we unplug Internet kill switches?

Fauci gave Trump drugs

Pray God heals Trump from the Fauci Drugs

The problem is not Covid but the untested experimental medicine they gave Trump.

Real doctors do NOT take on and off their masks like these crooks do.

@David Sherbert, on Friday, Trump was given 2 things which are untested, unfinished, extremely experimental.

@David Sherbert, the viruses, etc, are real, but that is not the biggest issue.

@David Sherbert, look at the 2019 patent that was filed.

@David Sherbert, read the articles people wrote regarding what happened on Friday.

@David Sherbert, do your own research in order to see what happened on Friday, please go look at what happened.

The doctors talked about Trump's liver, and there is a SPECIAL reason why they mention his liver.

@David Sherbert, look at the 2 special things they gave Trump.

Nano tech antibodies are dangerous.

Doctors gave Trump Bill Gates style nano tech antibodies.

2 dangerous drugs.

@David Sherbert, Trump was not talking about what they gave Trump.

@David Sherbert, do you love and trust these doctors?

@David Sherbert, why not get a second opinion from other doctors?

Trump made a mistake

Nano-tech is deadly

@Lynn M., I want to save Trump.

@Lynn M., nano-tech antibodies are promoted by Bill Gates.

@Lynn M., Trump was given 2 types of treatments which are recommend for people on their death beds, experimental drugs which have side effects.

Covid is as vague as the flu.

Did doctors murder Michael Jackson?

Did a doctor kill George Washington?

General Shepherd

12:37 PM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Monday - 10/5/20

As Trump was a the hospital for Covid, Trump was sending pizza to his fans outside.

Trump was given artificial antibodies mixed with mice antibodies which medical doctors say Trump is lucky to be alive as this can kill Trump.

Doctors plan to give Trump Remdesivir and nano tech antibodies 5 more times post-hospital, doctors are murdering Trump worse than Reagan.

If Trump's lungs are dying, deep state doctors wouldn't admit fault, same as with Michael Jackson.

Bill Gates gets richer thanks to being invested in the Plandemic.

The Amazing Lucas

09:27 PM - Trump BACK IN WH/ OTL gets KILLED by Police in Texas (call in)

Trump said he might be immune like Superman looking at Kryptonite and saying he might be immune, like maybe I can fly. Melania doesn't trust Ivanka, me neither.

so many trump votes were not counted in 2016

i love 1776

youtube violates fair use

youtube violates safe harbor law

alex is my daddy

and dont diss frogs

dont you dare mock frogs

They gave Trump bad drugs, Trump should get a second opinion.


Doctors Are Murdering President Donald Trump Via 2 Experimental Drugs


10:30 AM - A dream about health and a debate therein between me and people and I was somewhere and possibly different places and going places while making points about the value in medicine, pills, vitamins, supplements, and more importantly in good healthy foods themselves. I can't remember the specific points I made, where we were, what others did or said, or anything really.


11:10 AM - Tea. Granola style cereal with some kind of soy milk or another type of non-dairy. Coffee. Now, it is 11:31 AM, back in my clam bat cave.

Flip UltraHD Video Camera - Black, 8 GB, 2 Hours (3rd Generation) are probably good, I had a first generation cam version around 2009. Casserol thing around 6 PM. Would you go with a landline, cell phone which I helped setp today, a phone app, a cell phone booster, or what? Sent an email talking about that around 9 PM. Curriculum in a box, unboxing around 8 PM. Encouraging each other, 15 of us, game, which I played one other time before during a youth group event, YWC one Christmas around like 2002 or 2003 and I don't have that paper any longer but it was great. Capture the flag game. I was captured. In the jail. With doll.

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