Oregon Governor Signs Bill Requiring Free Abortions for All, Isn't really free always come with personal price

in plannedparenthood •  7 years ago 

WTF, How could this be Free, when the Tax Payers are footed the bill?


Governor Katie Brown is a Nutcase, and a Whacked out Liberal, #Eugenics supporter of Planned Parenthood. She's doing this for political gain from the illegals. Thus, increase with further human and organ trafficking. Another Eugenics Depopulation Agenda 2030 for NWO Agenda. #BanAbortion

According to the article:
"Enacting the law – the first of its kind in the nation – will cost the state $10.2 million, with $500,000 going toward abortions for some 22,900 women eligible for Medicaid in Oregon, reports the Washington Times.

According to the law, Oregon insurers must provide 100 percent coverage for abortions without co-pays or deductibles. Those Medicaid beneficiaries who are covered by the state’s single nonprofit Catholic health insurance provider will still have their abortion costs reimbursed by the state.

“Thank Kate Brown for signing the nation’s most progressive reproductive health bill into law today!” NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon said in a statement."

The article further states the Taxpayers are already covering close to 50% of all abortions in the State of Oregon.
Doesn't this go to show you it's another money marketing for death culture for the powers that shouldn't be for Satanic Rituals, selling baby parts. It's Insane and Disgusting!!!

For those who are not aware of the work that David Daleiden has done in exposing Planned Parenthood, I suggest you watch it and pass it along. He's not the only one, James O'Keefe also exposed them too. The question I have is why Daleiden was charged for doing same exact thing that O'Keefe did was to expose, including exposing CNN's lies caught on tape?
As far as I am concerned both of them are Heroes.

Human Capital - Episode 1: Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts Documentary By David Daleiden PART 1 OF 10

#DavidDaleiden Exposes Planned Parenthood legally, then is Jailed http://shoebat.com/2017/05/07/major-american-christian-leader-calls-out-americas-sins-yet-fails-to-mention-how-america-loves-what-god-hates/

From the article:
"While there are many sins, I would like to focus on four which the Bible speaks of with particular seriousness and which the Catechism of the Catholic Church takes note of. These are the four sins which “cry out to heaven for vengeance” in the Bible. They are:
-Willful murder (Genesis 4:10)
-Homosexuality (Genesis 18:20 and 19:13)
-Depriving the widow and orphan (Exodus 3:7-10, 20:20-22)
-Depriving a laborer of just wages (Deuteronomy 24:14-15)
A good way to start by looking at these sins, all of which America is madly in love with, is to start with a little history surrounding the eugenics movement in America, as it has it philosophical roots in Protestant ideas that came with the settlers and deeply embedded itself into the culture from the nation’s earliest days."

Abortion is Murder and for those supporting it because it's a woman's choice is Bull****. Watch out for the tests the doctors do with regards to birth defects. Such as in Iceland nearly 100% of cases with Down syndrome are aborted. http://shoebat.com/2017/08/16/cbs-news-declares-that-iceland-is-a-great-nation-because-it-murders-babies-with-genetic-defects/ How do you know whether or not the tests are accurate?

As seen from the employees own words at Planned Parenthood, all they care about is meeting quota $$$. They are selfish, sick, and lack of empathy.

The same goes with Big Pharma is because you can't trust the pharmaceutical drug,s since they are very potent, not mild, causes adverse side effects that can kill you, and very expense because some chemo drugs are between $3700-$15,000 per shot. When you look into the drug with what's in it, which is we really don't know. When you read the charts, that ultimately it's a very temporary drug that has the same effects as placebo, meaning no effect whatsoever. The other part is hearing drug can develop a 2nd cancer is major red flag, including screwing your kidney function within 5 days of taking a chemo drug.

Don't fall for the powers that shouldn't be schemes, but because what the Government advertises as Free always comes with strings attached. Committing abortion is Murder is the first of 4 grave sins that the Bible speaks on that cries to the Heavens with Vengeance. Anyone that continues to support or commit Abortion are damning their souls to eternal damnation.

You still have time to repent for all of your sins you've committed. Remember it's not once saved always saved, it's a working progress, being accountable, responsible, and obeying God's laws. http://www.allaboutgod.com/prayer-of-salvation.htm

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