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Thank you @geke feel Free to used it, I'm glad to see My own work resteem by ocd. Followed you and @ocd Now, Greeting from Aceh sumatra Indonesia :)

Thanks for sharing your traditional ways with us! As a farmer I find it very interesting.

My pleasure :)
However the farmer of My are still do plant with the traditional Way, eventhough technology will come in next harvest time, caused these was their economy foundation in the season of planting, Thank you for stopping by and have fun greeting from Aceh sumatra Indonesia :)

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

Sangat bagus kawan

Terima kasih kawan

The modern harvesting machine has replace the work of farmer, that was disadvantage for field of work to the farmer.

Yes, it is unfortunate when the technology entered, even farmers do not have his job again in the harvest season, and more crazy again the price of grain down because of the quality of rice produced by modern cutting machine is not as good as formerly

You should post the phenomena of harvesting machine next post bro

Yup, I think in the harvest season coming, we would like to do the interview with our farmer here :)

Nujak ladju kunow, poh 11 Burangkat

Mantab om..

Siap bro.. Apakabar Banyuwangi :D

Alhamdulilah sehat wal'afiat om..😊

Ikutan Meet up Nasional bang? Saya ada keluarga di Banyuwangi mau ikutan cuma mereka ga tau promotor nya disana, kalau ada ikutan Meet up Nasional bisa kita bicarakan mas, dan bisa jadi Meet up Perdana buat Banyuwangi mas..

Meetup itu pastinya kapan ya bang? Di banyuwangi mana sodaranya? Insya allah saya bisa kunjungi.

Bisa saya tanyakan dulu ini sama teteh saya mas, soalnya uda lupa :D

Good looking

Thank you for stopping by and have fun :)

You're back

Back lake lake vote :D

Just smile