Cannabis or Marijuana?

in plantmedicine •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why does Drug Policy Alliance resist going back to the classic pre-Anslinger term: Cannabis? This was the name of the medicine that was prominent in the pharmacopeia of India for hundreds of years. This was the name of the plant medicine that was a favored American analgesic rivaling aspirin. This was the name of the medicine that the AMA spent four years fighting for in the courts in the late 1920's, doctors could continue to recommend it to their patients. "Marijuana," on the other hand was the foreign sounding name Anslinger liked because it confused the public-- who wore hemp clothing, wrote on hemp paper, and took cannabis oil for countless conditions. C'mon DPA-- stop honoring Anslinger and let's call it by it's true name: Cannabis.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This was the name of the medicine that the American Medical Association spent four years fighting for in the courts in the late 1920's so that doctors could continue to recommend it to their patients.