Physalis Angulata

in plants •  6 years ago 

Tanaman obat herbal ciplukan (physalis Angulata)
Biasanya di kenal juga dengan nama cecenet,cecenet,kopokan
Ciri ciri tanaman ini kurang lebih sekitar 50 cm, berdaun tunggal bulat telur dengan ujung runcing panjang daun 3 cm, sampai 13 cm, warna daun hijau

Khasiat dan manfaat nya untuk mengobati diabetes,sakit tenggorokan,batuk,gondokan dan bisul

Ciplukan herbal medicinal plants (physalis Angulata)
Also known as cecenet, cecenet, kopokan
Characteristics of this plant is approximately 50 cm, single leaf ovate with pointed edges 3 cm long leaves, up to 13 cm, green leaf color

efficacy and benefits to treat diabetes, sore throat, cough, mumps and boils


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