The social network of plants

in plants •  5 years ago 


In the present age, social media has made a profound impact on our lives. In a moment, through the Internet, we can spread the various events, stories, pictures, experiences, etc. of our lives among friends and relatives. But can plants also have a social life? Can they also communicate with each other?

Chemical is one of the most well-known means of communication in plants. Suppose, if a harmful pest attacks one of the branches of a tree, the plant releases some volatile chemicals that are used as a warning to other plants and strengthens their immune system through other plants. However, the infected plant releases these chemicals to the other branch of the same plant.

However, recent studies have revealed that fungi play a unique role in the interaction of plants. The fungus cannot produce food and lives as a parasite in the plant or animal body. For a long time, fungi are thought to be harmful to plants. However, some fungi are bound to a pathogen with different plants, where they extract the sugars produced by the succulents from the plant body and in turn supply the nitrogen, phosphorus, with various enzymes to the plant body. Not only that, they also help in communication between different plants.

Most fungi are polygamous and their bodies are formidable, branching and apical. This fungal branch pierce (hyphae) pierces the soil and surrounds the roots or rootromes of different plants, or inside them. Such an association of fungi and roots is called mycorrhiza (mycorrhiza; greek; mycos - fungi; riza - root). Thus, under the hyphae network of trees, the trees are linked to each other by what scientists call the Wood-Wide Web.

Through this amazing network, plants take into account the content of sugars, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. in each other. A dead tree can provide all its components to the network so that the nutrient can be used by its neighbor. In the same way, the new seeds help to grow from the surrounding plants. Not only that, they attack other plants by releasing various chemicals through this network as a result of harmful pest attacks. In this way they allow everyone to grow and not follow the 'Survival of Fittest' system like other organisms. However, there are some disadvantages to this network. For example, some species of orchids can forcibly absorb material from other plants using this network. Again, the Black Walnut attempts to counter other plants by releasing toxic material into the system. Considering this, forest-raising has raised a number of questions as to whether the forest should be considered as a group of many species or whether it should be treated as a single large organism or whether it may be a given or friendly feeling among plants. To view more some visit here

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