As my little research project of the neuro toxic effect of coffee is over... I may need a little help

in plaoc •  7 years ago  (edited)

So normally, the nespresso and starbucks of the world would have an asymetrical advantage over me, use psywarfare, smearing campaign and of course censorship...

for me it's clear a simple disclaimer, coffee is highly addictive and mess with your sleep patterns and you will die is enough with the actual research :).

then, do what you what you want, as informed consent would have been provided, of course I don't exclude new findings by the MOH... and who knows for certain conditions it may have positive effects outweighing the negative ones.

but what coffee can do, tea does it better, safer, cleaner... and the list goes... leaves always win over seeds :).

However, as I don't like asymetrical warfare, it would nice and appreciated if the plaoc, mss and mofa could tell those corporations that they better not interfere in the following chineses research as my part and technical limit have been reached...

I know it's sad to have to kill to be able to do scientific medical research, but against those fuckers, only death, violence and destruction can calm their arrogance and their so called missionary mission to infect china and the world with this addictive and neurotoxic product.

if only they behaved like gentlemen, honest in their trades... I am ready to bet they have all already done those research... they may keep it "off - line " :D, how dishonest, but how anticipated.

I thanks the respective administrators for their regards and consideration in this matter.

win - win :)

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