I went to a plastic surgeon and was told I should have $130,000 worth of work. I only had one person pushing me to get it, but several close friends pushing back, hard, on any plastic surgery. I could easily imagine a person whose inner circle all pushed for surgery feeling as if plastic surgery or gender reassignment surgery were necessary.
But, as someone born in Los Angeles, I’ve known many people with botched plastic surgeries who kept having additional surgeries to fix past mistakes. One of them embezzled funds from their company to pay for yet more plastic surgery.
There’s a strong case for being content with the body and face you have, and choosing to spend time and Tahoe counsel from people who love you as you are.
For what it’s worth, I’ve never advised gender reassignment surgery nor cosmetic plastic surgery, but I have recommended lipo to people with breathing problems that prevented restful sleep.
How do you feel about the massive increase in gender reassignment surgery and non-medically essential plastic surgery?