Will Platypus Finance be the new Curve?

in platypus •  3 years ago 

A few weeks ago, I discovered the platform named Platypus Finance, and I was immediately interested. Not long before, I had started to look into Curve Finance and everything that had to do with the Curve wars, and that was what made me even more so interesting in Platypus. Could this platform turn out to be the next big thing for stablecoin swapping and for receiving awesome rewards for staking?

And could this be a new platform that will soon make us experience something like the Curve wars, only on Avalanche?

To be honest, the design is way better and it is much easier to use and understand for a newbie, than for those visiting the Curve Finance website for the first time.


The platform launched a few weeks ago, and it is still in beta, even though it is fully functional. By calling it beta, the developers just say that it isn't finished and that they are polishing and upgrading and working on it every single day. That is also why we have seen a new pool added recently, and they are also upgrading and changing small details, all in order to make it a better platform.

Currently, you can use this platform for simple stablecoin swaps (at much better rates than any exchange or curve will give you), or you can use it for staking your stables and receive rewards. If you combine staking of stables with staking PTP tokens that will further give you vePTP tokens, you will experience a big boost in your APY for staking stables, meaning that you can easily enjoy a 50% APY and even more, all depending on your vePTP holdings and your stables.

It is important to understand that the more stablecoins you stake, the more vePTP is needed.

I can warmly recommend the platform and I suggest you take a look at it, if you haven't done so yet. You can also learn more about Platypus Finance in the following article.

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