Barbarian Prince Turn 2 (Day 1, 1st Week, 3 Gold)steemCreated with Sketch.

in playbypost •  6 years ago  (edited)

Barbarian Prince Turn 2 (Day 1, 1st Week, 3 Gold)

a Community-Driven RPG by A.E. Jackson

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During gameplay, all decisions will be made by the Steemit Community. If a dice roll is required, the Game Master will handle that action. Results will be reported in the Turn Summary along with any outcomes that impact the adventure. If the party encounters Combat, the Game Master will handle that action, and post the results as well. The goal of the game is to survive and reclaim the kingdom. Every step that does not require a Community Decision will be made with the goal of reclaiming the kingdom in mind.
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Cal Arath

Combat Skill


Wit & Wiles





Gold (Wealth Code)


9 / 9






3 (2)

The Community Has Spoken:

Travel to a new hex (r204), your most common choice

r204 Travel

You can travel to new hexes as a daily action (r203). You travel by moving your token across the map, hex by hex. You can’t skip or jump any hex unless a special event allows it.

Travel Speeds (r204a): if any character in your party is without a mount (on foot), the entire party travels "on foot" at the speed of one hex per day. If everyone in your party is mounted (presumably on horses, mules, or similar beasts), the party as a whole can travel either one or two hexes per day. If the entire party is riding winged mounts, the party can instead use airborne travel up to three hexes per day. When airborne, the party flies for the entire day, and lands in the land hex entered to camp for the night. If your party has winged mounts, you can instead ride or "short hop" one or two hexes per day, as if you were mounted in the normal fashion. In this case, you enter each hex on the ground.

Getting Lost (see r205): each time you try to leave a hex, you may get lost. See r205 for details. If you get lost, you are unable to get out of the hex by the chosen route, and are stuck for the rest of the day in the hex where you started. You cannot select an alternate action.


Each time you attempt to leave a hex (travel to a new hex) there is a danger of becoming lost. Consult the Travel Table (r207) and find the terrain type you are leaving. Read across to the "Lost" column entry. Roll two dice.
If the dice total equals or exceeds the number there, your party is lost. If you move more than one hex in the day, you must check for getting lost before each move (before you enter each hex). If you get lost, you cannot go further that day. You are stuck in the hex you tried to leave. You must check for a travel event (see r205b) in the hex you tried to enter, as if you actually entered it. This reflects you wandering around on the edges of the new hex and perhaps encountering something.

Travel Table (r207)

Leaving: Countryside (Lost 9+, Event 9+)

For Travel Table we rolled... 6

Dice rolled using

We are not lost Leaving the Countryside. We must cross a river to move to another hex.

r204 Travel (continued)

River Crossing (r204e): if your travel takes you over a river, you must first consult the Travel Table (r207) for getting over the river without getting lost (r205), and then for a possible event crossing the river, by using the "River" line of the table. If this doesn’t prevent you from crossing, you then enter the hex on the other side, check for getting lost moving into that hex, and any travel events for the terrain entered there. If you are flying, you can fly over a river and ignore all crossing problems (do not check for getting lost crossing the river, and do not check for river crossing events).

Travel Table (r207)

Leaving: Cross River (Lost 8+, Event 10+)

For Travel Table we rolled... 2

Dice rolled using

For River Event we rolled... 6

Dice rolled using

We did not get Lost crossing the river, and there was No Event while crossing the river.

r204 Travel (continued)

Travel Events (r204b): each time you attempt to enter a new hex, an event may occur. Find the terrain type you attempted to enter on the Travel Table (r207) and read to the "Event" column. Roll two dice.

Entering: Countryside (Lost 9+, Event 9+)

For Travel Table we rolled... 9

Dice rolled using

If the total equals or exceeds the number listed, an event occurs. Roll one die and read across to the proper "Event Reference" number listed for that die roll. Then go that event section.

For Event Reference we rolled... 6

Dice rolled using

r240 Event Reference

For Event we rolled... 5

Dice rolled using

e079 Heavy Rains

Cold, driving rains hinder man and beast. You must stop moving today, and roll one die for each character in your party. If the result is 5 or 6, the character catches cold, and suffers one wound.

For Heavy Rain we rolled... 2

Dice rolled using

We do not catch cold, and we do not suffer one wound.

e079 Heavy Rains (continued)

At the start of tomorrow, roll one die. A result of 4 or higher means the rains continue, if you use any mounts they may catch pneumonia, roll once for each, they fail sick and die on a 5 or 6. You can lead animals at walking speed, including animals used to transport loads (r206) without risk. If you travel at all (r204) any characters who haven't yet caught cold must risk it.
At the start of the day after tomorrow the weather will clear and the rain will stop, unless this event occurs again in the meantime.

For Heavy Rain Tomorrow we rolled... 2

Dice rolled using

The heavy rains will not continue tomorrow.

Important Note: if you finish actions for a day on any hex north of the Tragoth River, the mercenary royal guardsmen may find you. See e002 after normal events are concluded, but before you take your evening meal (r215).

Thankfully - we reached the Countryside south of the Tragoth River, and the mercenary royal guardsmen can not find us.

r203 Daily Actions (continued) - Evening Meal

After you finish all these events, at the end of the day you must provide food for your entire party, see r215. If you are in a town, castle, or temple you must purchase lodging too in many cases, see r217.

We are not in a town, castle, or temple - so we can disregard r217.

r215 Food

After the actions, events and encounters for the day are finished; you and your party must eat their main meal. This may include hunting for food, using food stores, or purchasing a meal (if in a town, castle or temple). Any mounts (animals) with your party may also required food. If you cannot feed any follower or animal, consult the starvation (r216) rules.

Food Units (r215a): for convenience, food is counted in "units." Each unit is sufficient to feed one man for one day. Mounts require two units per day if they are unable to forage for their own fodder. If there is no water available (in a desert hex with no oasis) then the food requirement doubles for men and mounts, to represent the need to carry water supplies also.

We are alone, and require one Food unit. However, we have no food on hand.

r216 Starvation

If you cannot provide food each day for characters or mounts, starvation will begin to affect their loyalty and performance.

Character Starvation (r216b): if a character goes, without food for a day, on the following day his ability to carry loads (r206) is halved, with fractions rounded down, and his combat skill is reduced by one. If he goes without food again, load carrying and combat skill is reduced again. When food is available and eaten again, each day's normal meal also eliminates the effect of one day of starvation. A double meal can be eaten to eliminate the effect of two days of starvation, but triple or larger meals have no additional effect. A character cannot die of starvation within the scope of the game, but after a certain point progressive starvation makes him nearly worthless!

r203 Daily Actions (continued) - End of Day

After all actions, events, food and lodging are resolved, the day ends. Advance the markers on the time track to the next day, and start it by selecting another action. This continues until the end of the 10th week, when the game ends.

The game ends sooner if the Barbarian Prince is killed. Better luck next time!

Cal Arath

Combat Skill


Wit & Wiles





Gold (Wealth Code)


9 / 9






3 (2)

r203 Daily Actions - New Day

At the start of each day, you select one action for yourself. All other followers in your party will perform the same action (support and helping you) - they can't be trusted to act on their own! Each action has separate rules, described in the appropriate section.

Possible actions include:

Actions allowed in any hex -
• Rest in current hex, to heal wounds (r222) and improve hunting (r215)
• Travel to a new hex (r204), your most common choice
• Search for a previously placed cache (r214)

V O T E -- W H A T -- H A P P E N S -- N E X T

Each dPoll will end at 6 PM EST(EDT) / 11 AM UTC - after which time, the results will determine what happens next.

Explore the Full Map to Plan Our Journey

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Thanks @supermegaship and One Year RPG!
The idea to play Barbarian Prince with the Steemit Community is thanks to inspiration from One Year RPG(@postplaygames), operated by @supermegaship. Each day for a year, @supermegaship guides players through a world rich with fantasy roleplaying imagery. He allows the players to determine what actions the hero takes next. And the outcomes can be quite excited! I recommend you check out One Year RPG(@postplaygames) if you enjoy roleplaying in the slightest.

© 2019, A.E. Jackson. All rights reserved.

Image source

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@hhayweaver, and you!
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Very cool concept, excited to see how this goes! 😊

Thanks for the inspiration! I play One Year RPG everyday and love it. I look forward to contributing to @postplaygames when the time is right

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awesome! Looking forward to having ya 👍