A playschool is a preschool group typically for children aged two to four years. It is a particular type of preschool that focuses on play-based education. KLA Schools offers play school franchise opportunities for individuals who are interested in investing in a preschool franchise business. This article explains how you can potentially benefit from a play school franchise with KLA Schools.
Play-based learning is a type of preschool education that is based on open-ended learning through play and discovery. It has many advantages for children, including:
Developing positive relations with peers,
Improving social and emotional skills,
Boosting creativity and imagination,
Increasing confidence, and
Promoting a positive attitude toward learning.
One of the first things you will notice about KLA Schools’ play school franchises is that we use a specialized approach to preschool education. This is known as the Reggio Emilia approach, which is a preschool educational philosophy that places emphasis on the fact that young children are curious individuals who have powerful learning potential.
The Reggio Emilia approach is founded on four major principles:
Emergent curriculum: With this approach, what is taught in the classroom is based on the particular interests of the kids in the class. Teachers talk to the children and their parents to find out what intrigues them (for instance, dinosaurs, space, or butterflies). The teachers then plan projects that tie in with these interests and discuss how they can encourage the parents to get involved.
Detailed projects: An in-depth project based on the children’s interests may last anywhere from a week to the entire school year. Teachers take an advisory role on projects, helping the children to decide how they want to direct their research and assemble and represent what they learn and which materials to use. Each project is treated as an exploratory adventure.
Representational development: The Reggio Emilia approach encourages children to present their ideas and discoveries in multiple forms, such as art, music, drama, print, and puppetry. By doing so, teachers ensure that each child has the opportunity to connect with and understand the concepts that are being explored.
Collaboration: Collaboration is considered a necessary part of furthering each child’s cognitive development. For this reason, teachers encourage the children to work together in both large and small groups. This helps them learn to solve problems together and develop other vital interpersonal skills.
KLA Schools uses the Reggio Emilia approach to expose preschool children to a wide range of learning opportunities that facilitate communication, self-expression, problem-solving, and logical thinking throughout their play school franchises.
Here are some of the many benefits of starting a play school franchise:
Growing business: The childcare industry is booming. It has a current value of $53 billion and since 2013, the industry has been growing an average of 3.2%. KLA Schools has received so much interest in their playschool franchises that they have even developed a special kindergarten program.
Affordable investment: Another great benefit of KLA play school franchises is that they offer a great opportunity for a relatively affordable investment. You can expect to start your preschool with an investment range that begins at $475,000. This not only covers your initial purchase fee and site selection fee, but it also covers the lease on your building and any upgrades it may need to keep it operating safely. (See our FDD for a full investment range and related details.)
Be your own boss: Like any franchise business, a play school franchise allows you the freedom of saying goodbye to tedious nine-to-five office life and hello to working in a field that you are passionate about.
Ongoing support: KLA Schools provides you with initial training and ongoing support from experts in business and preschool education. You’ll have someone with you every step of the way whether you have a question about the curriculum, or you’d like training in marketing strategies.
Supporting your community: When you open a play school franchise, you are helping your community by providing a safe and stimulating environment where parents can feel comfortable leaving their children when they go to work.
Providing quality education: With a KLA Schools play school franchise, you are not only investing in a great business, but you are also providing a great start to children beginning their education. You are also encouraging them to enjoy exploring and learning; a great foundation for their future education.
There are many good reasons why you should choose KLA Schools if you want your play school franchise to thrive. The main one is that you will have an arsenal of tools at your disposal to support your growth. These tools include:
Introductions and ongoing connections with other KLA Schools franchise owners.
Expert advice to help you as you find the right location for your playschool.
A host of technology tools and online resources to help your playschool run smoothly from the first day.
Training and mentoring programs to guide you as you develop skills to help make your playschool shine.
Over the years, our company has grown into one of today’s leading play school franchises. Not least of all because KLA Schools is founded on the principle that children have the ability to learn at any age when they are given the right stimulation and encouragement. If you are selected to become a member of the KLA Schools family, we’ll be thrilled to welcome you aboard!
Opening a playschool may have been your burning ambition for some time now, but you may feel overwhelmed by the prospect and not know where to begin. We are here to help you bring that ambition to fruition. Contact us today to find out more about KLA Schools and we will arrange a meeting to discuss the beginning of your play school franchise. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey.