PT PLN (Persero) Pamekasan Area educates the electricity sector to students and students. It aims to generate a sense of concern for electricity that is essential for life.
The education was implemented in a workshop on electricity, safe, and reliable enough for the national economic change and development, which was held at "Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata, Pamekasan, Madura" on Saturday, January 27, 2018. The workshop was attended by 160 participants and clerics as Pamekasan.
General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution of East Java, Dwi Kusnanto said, public involvement in general need to realize a reliable, safe, and environmentally friendly power.
Academician and electrician practitioner Heru Subagiyo convey materials related to the distribution of electrical systems and network maintenance.
Heru describes in detail the importance of electricity in human life, the problems that arise in the utilization of electricity, tips on use and electrical treatment as well as security and safety in operating electrical equipment.
In addition, participants are also invited to know the disruption in the installation of electricity utilization, among others, if the quality of the material is low standard, installation that does not meet the standards, damage to cables, switches to IPTL is watered or submerged.
"The activities organized to increase the insight of the students, while also providing education, is expected to the future can bring a positive impact,"