If you feel the rudeness of the heart, its inner circle, its familiarity, then you should take the best potent medicines and supplements. the medicines felt by the Apostles, advised by the Shalhites, and praised by those who have tried. He is the Prayer

There is nothing like Prayer forever, keep on doing and multiply. Pray for the piety of your heart and your deeds, especially in prostration, prayer, and friday with sincerity and seriousness. Then you will gain gentleness, solitude, and surrender in your heart, especially when you keep on praying, asking a lot and not getting tired demanding

There is no good except Allah, there is no benefit except to be on his side
"Or who can allow the prayer of the troubled when he prays for him "(QS.an-Naml: 60).
" Pray ye to me, I will grant "(QS.AL-MU'MIN: 60).
" Pray to his Lord by humbling and tender voice "(Surah al-A'RAF: 55)>quote
we should always pray to God, surrender all affairs to him, subservient and obedient. I hope all steemian friends can take advantage of my short postings. Infinite gratitude to all members of the board and members (NSC) 

and also to all board members and members of STEEMET DISCUSS (SD)