Events | PoC Emerging Project LAVA will Open Source on this 16th Day
According to LAVA official news, LAVA will open code source on the 16th of this month, which will later be released on Github. In the early stage of the launch, the LAVA team has clearly stated that it will open source after product moving online. The source opening this time will greatly promote the overall ecological development of LAVA. It is also hoped to attract more open source developers to join the LAVA community to co-build the LAVA ecosystem and develop infrastructure for global storage.
Lava is a fully decentralized PoC project. The entire network computing power is without limits. Lava’s vision is for itself to become a root of trust and top-level index of the global storage spaces, positioning to develop into a meaningful storage infrastructure and supporting applications and services based on decentralized storage networks.
Lava official website: