RE: Can POCKET tokens be burned?

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Can POCKET tokens be burned?

in pocket •  7 years ago 

pocketsend:1@null, let's see if anybody has done this before!

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Nope, nobody has ever burned to @null before.

pocketsend:1@null, i do not habe but i try lets see what the bots say :)

Can you make it so that the confirming bots also confirm the messages or state the message at the time of confirmation

I'm not quite sure what you mean...

What i mean=
Mock exp=

Ah, so that if the original message is edited, we'd have a record?


It would make the confirmation messages pretty long...

I'm late to the party but while I agree it would make the confirmation messages long, I think that it would also make transaction memos more useful.

It shouldn't be too hard to set it up to include that info in the message. I'll add it to my list for that imaginary future where I "have spare time."