Prana, Parasites, and Pain with Kenny The Anarchist Vegan Chef! | Woke.AS Podcast

in podcast •  7 years ago  (edited)

Another Woke As F@#K podcast coming atcha FRESH from AnarchaPorto 2018!

This episode was recorded on the heels of the Infinite Man Summit at the AnarchApulco spin-off conference attended by Alex (Sasha), Becca Tzigany, and a few summit attendees.

Our guest today is returning to Woke.AS for the second time… it’s Kenny The Anarchist Vegan Chef!

(check out his first appearance in Episode #9 on Woke.AS)

Alex and Kenny start off with a normal conversation about maintaining balance in life, letting go of need, manifesting… then this podcast takes a wild twist when Kenny reveals his dark past, his relationship with a stripper, and Alex tells us to drink our own urine


Other things discussed in this episode are:

Letting go of need for approval, socializing, and FOOD… and being content in your own being
Holding your vibration and focusing on self and manifestation
Alex’s plans for his property in Ecuador
The future – and present – of social media
We start getting into breatharianism and diet… then we take a sudden deep dive into Kenny’s unhealthy relationship with drugs, alcohol, and a stripper…
Kenny’s brutal pain that he was trying to cover up, and how he finally broke out and created a new life for himself
How Kenny got kicked out of school again and again for not playing the game – and how he hated himself when he created a more compliant persona
Kenny’s “multiple character realization” that woke him up and helped him out of his depression
Alex shares his insight into the true key to using psychedelics effectively
How Kenny barely feels the need to eat… even though he’s a cook
Killing parasites by dry fasting
How to be more pranic
Getting rid of programs, acting mindfully, and letting your body (rather than your programming) decide when to eat
Our beliefs and where they come from – and 90% of what most people believe is the COMPLETE opposite of the truth
Drink your own urine!
What happens when you realize that everyone’s opinions are wrong
The insane level of brainwashing afflicting society now
Clearing energetic blockages from your system
Are you offended by TURKEY!? Alex gives crazy examples of people being offended by things he’s said, and uses a batman voice to impersonate a woman who was offended by him
Anarchy = taking full responsibility for yourself
Freedom of speech vs voluntarism
Making money on

-Team Infinite Man

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