A Stoner's Journey - A New Potcast

in podcast •  7 years ago 

mini joker idea.pngWhat's going on folks! We've been busy of late working on a wide variety of projects. Firstly, on the 12th of June we're going to be doing a Wine Tasting Music Thing called ChillAfrican nights...I'll drop you some more info on those events later.

Today however, we're talking about "A Stoner's Journey" - A Podcast that myself and Splint are doing bi-weekly. We just recently started with it and will be recording the 4th Episode today.

The coolest thing about this Podcast is that it's sponsored!

You heard right, we managed to get our podcast sponsored by cannabis companies before we even had the first episode recorded. If you're impressed, you should be! Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be breaking down how I went about it, how you can use Podcasts for your personal projects and how to monetize your brands.

Of course, right now, we're still refining everything and building up the brands, but it's been a blast. You can check out the first three episodes of A Stoner's Journey by clicking the link above.

This is NOT AN ISM.gif
Then, if you want to have further updates about our music and what not, such as "This is NOT an ISM" which is a concept album that works on "seasons".

That album is ready for download right there in the link. The album, is a new approach we're going about music. For starters, we work on "Seasonal albums" meaning, we establish a title for an album period and record everything that comes to us during this time. Once the Season is done, we'll refine the album and load it up, but in the meanwhile, anyone going to that link will have updates on our album as they come along, even behind the scene footage.

As for the next steps, well, currently working on the Potcast and then the upcoming shows. By the end of the year we're bouncing off to the coast to work there with a bunch of other artists.

We've got some much to show you, but subscribe, follow and share and we'll show you exactly what's going on!

Thanks again folks and keep your heads high, the world is yours for the taking!

Jay - Smoking Joker

If you're interested on learning how to monetize your artistic endeavors and/or other creative projects, drop a comment below and I'll start working on a series. If you want to participate in the Podcast, you can make an account at ForumDeStoners for free and submit your questions in a Thread called "A Stoner's Journey". We check it for comments and answer questions directly on the potcast. Secondly, we can also get you on to be interviewed if you want, just drop a comment below!

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