Dear @Dtube #76 // podcast restarted! -- clean reset, restart and heading in a direction, don’t pause for long!

in podcasting •  7 years ago 

the rest of this blog text was how i was feeling before we did the podcast, i left it to show you the power of a mood adjustment. ..

the podcast and stardew valley reset did me some good. . ..

attention economy is slowly making our interactions together less meaningful unless they are in a time frame or tempo we expect and it’s getting shorter all the time, miss a moment and you have missed out — the trap is getting shorter, we are watching the evolution of the analog human kessel run!

Today is an odd day, I still need to get everything done as usual but I’m battling the weather, change of pace because my daughter was here and now has gone again — it’s interesting to me how we can get caught up with the swells of time and how they can cause you to question where you place is in that moment.

Did you do enough, does it fight your moral compass that you set in place, are you able to do more, should you stand your ground, what if that does not get done and what if it has the effected on the long term — processing outcome and eventualities, every single one of us caught up in a sub routine of our own doing and amplified by the never ending ‘conversation’ outlets online when our analog day to day appears linear.

Constantly saturated by outcomes! :)

youtube ranks you based on how fast your latest video was popular now and needs validation for the fact they have not finished the new dashboard of yet.

Everywhere you look we are under the barrage of ‘analyse’ — just today I noticed that the rankings in the youtube ‘new’ dashboard was not doing a calculation how much faster your latest video was received in the moments of your video launch, how fast your draw of attention was — did you social outreach bring them and how long for, over calculating and making you change yourself to be more ‘engaging’ for the algorithm yet more distant for actual human one to one real life conversation. It was staggering to me.

For months now whenever I want to look back at the OLD dashboard the ‘ever so needy’ new dashboard asks you WHY YOU WANT TO GO BACK (or why don’t you love my millennial skills right now) instead of actually just getting the fuck on with getting all of the new dashboard to have the same old features as the old one just in the new style — talk about ‘padding’ out those monthly cheques, just get the damn thing done already!

my daughter adjusts her pickup time based on boredom but does not know how to make herself less bored in her next destination

This actually happened last night (today) — there is such a massive disconnect between distraction and boredom for the younger ones these days, we are building a world of content consumers but not ones that are willing to put the work in to actually be the very things they consume to cheer themselves up — it’s like watching a real life labyrinth with bowie dancing around iPhones instead of THE BABE.

entitlement and the amplification of poorly design products and the hidden recycled mountain of stuff leaking into our water table

rife, what are we doing to ourselves, we have only ourselves to blame for all of this so called ‘progress’ — we want what we want when we want it and someone else will deal with the fall out of our apathy and boredom (until of course they won’t) — I mean even china doesn’t want our recycled stuff unless it fits within a criteria that won’t continue to destroy their rivers and such like — we NEED to get on top of our consumption patterns, but I doubt we will because you know, shiny something new and we don’t want to look the odd one out now right? :)

augmenting our own reality when we can’t work out where we fit into the world around us, backstory is history and history is boring.

That’s what I see everywhere, everyday. We want the next thing because we are addicted to the new and the now rather than the stable and the routine — routine is boring and lame and cool is fresh and new, it’s always been this way but now it’s connected to audience size, physical location and uniquely your projected storytelling in the hope that you can feel that you had an experience that was in some way more volumetric than the next persons — it’s all very truman show, it’s actually got to the point that it provides me actual entertainment.

I’m not sure you can count this as a blog or a vlog, I mean the vlog will probably be totally different from the actual post, I’m not sure what it is — maybe some kind of hybrid textual therapy, it was certainly cheaper than a shrink and more balanced that a noiseless meditation — I think I discovered the analog anti vlog — storytelling to an audience of one, to a person who will always upvote itself and never have to argue a point.

Is this the new modern day way of finding yourself?


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had me smiling when you were getting into stardew hehe so stoked u love it ;)