The Podolsky Index

in podolsky •  6 years ago 

The following is a partial listing of articles and videos that I've made over the past few years. For those seeking peace, prosperity, and freedom, there is a lot of actionable information contained here.

The following links access a sampling of articles and recordings

explaining my views on a number of subjects about which I feel

passionate. If you feel moved to respond to me, you can email me at

[email protected].

                              The BIG PROBLEM

Big Problem – Humanity’s BIG problem is the fact that all the major

human institutions consistently make unethical decisions. This article points out the consequences.

G overnment: The BORG Robot – To solve the BIG Problem it is

necessary to understand the nature of government and how it serves

only the interests of Banks, Organized Religions, and Government

itself (the BORG).

The Truth About Cartels – When a shared monopoly contracts with

government to enforce its rules, the result is a cartel. The result for

the consumer is limited choice and higher prices.

Ethical Means and Ethical Ends – It is a commonly believed

falsehood that ethical ends can be attained by unethical means. This

article explains the error. Recognition of this fact provides social

innovators a “moral high-ground”.

Why Taxation is Slavery – Often compared with theft, robbery, or

extortion, taxation is actually more like slavery.

Today’s Bandits – In this article I make the case that bandits have

taken over the world.

911 Buildings Blasted Into Dust – A physicist’s understanding of

the attack on the twin towers.

Ethics and the 9/11 Crime – Audio interview about the significance

of the attacks of 9/11/2001.

                                      Analysis for a Solution

Ethics, Law, and Government – An ethical society would manifest

peace, prosperity, and freedom. To achieve this end requires the

maximization of truth, awareness, creativity, and love.

Proposed Solution to the “BIG Problem” - 20 years of experimental

research and 45 years of serious thought have yielded an answer to the problem. Whether humanity will adopt it remains uncertain.

                                     Personal Growth

Introduction to Soul-Bonding – The next step in the evolution of

psychotherapy, Soul-Bonding is an educational protocol that

synchronizes the goals, intentions, and decisions of the conscious and subconscious minds.

On Hypnosis and NLP – Video explanation of Hypnosis and NLP –

2 components of the Soul-Bonding technology.

W hat Is love? - Love, in its various manifestations, is the perfect

antidote to violent crime and war. This video interview with Juan

Galt suggests a powerful explanation of the nature of love.

                                      Organizational Growth

HoloMats of Octologues – The HoloMat is a non-hierarchic

contractual affiliation of a number of small ethical groups called

Octologues. This could be an ethical replacement for hierarchy

throughout society.

                                           Other Technologies

Bitcoins: The New Free Market (Part 1) – One of the most promising

new technologies is that of “crypto-currency”. Used properly this

technology allows one to transact business in relative privacy –

unobserved by government minions and unfettered by banking regulations. This article, posted several years ago, explores many of the possibilities and advantages pertaining to the technology.

BitCoins: Gateway to Doom and Freedom (Part 2) – Prepare your

mind for the push-back from government.

                                    Other Resources

The Bill of Ethics – More powerful than the Bill of Rights, The Bill of

Ethics can be used to beneficially augment any organizational

constitution, charter, or bylaws.

The Titanian Code of Honor – The Titanian Code of Honor is a

simpler, leaner version of the Bill of Ethics, intended as a personal

everyday guide for ethical decision-making.

Dr. Deming’s Admonitions – This article demonstrates that the

organizational principles that transformed Japanese industry in 1950

comprise a subset of the logical consequences of the Bill of Ethics cited above. This constitutes proof that the ethical principles have the power to provide humanity with benefits at least equal to the transformation of Japanese industry – a transformation that changed Japanese industry from a reviled failure into a global success.

"FLOURISH!" - My 7 th book on ethics presents a viable alternative to government and other hierarchies.

                                             Video Interviews

Libertopia 2013

Anarchast September 2015

Anarchast December 2016

If you are in Acapulco this Friday the 29th, you are invited to come to Bob Stanley's Bon Fil Anarcastle for an evening of exciting new insights into how each of us can get the outcomes we've always dreamed of. Dinner and beer are included. Suggest arriving around 5 pm.

.....Bob Podolsky

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