Dear God...

in poem •  last year 

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If I always go out and sin,
then repent and do it again

and if my sins keep taking place,
when will I lose Your Saving Grace?

How long can I test Your love
before You strike me from above?

Is there a limit I must observe
before I'm punished as I deserve?

Is there a way for me to see
the place you have reserved for me,

as I travel this sinful lane?
Am I causing you grief and pain?

Well, I find it hard to believe
my sins are why you receive

any pain, or any grief.
Your Book, You see, demands belief!

You've placed a curse on me, and mine,
for ten generations down my line.

But the only thing I've done
is be born my mother's son!

I never knew my father's love!
Was that decreed from up above?!

So long ago You sealed my fate.
I see no way to conciliate.

The congregation of the Lord?
To us off limits upon Your Word!

Any church that allows us in,
is more, or less, a house of sin.

You put Your Son upon this earth
and made Him die to prove His worth.

You made His death salvation's key.
Your word makes plain, no hope for me!

Is there more that I must know
to understand You're not my foe?

Is there more that I must see
to understand You still love me?!

He's come to me. I am surprised!
I feel my words were ill advised.

Read the Book inspired by Me.
Try to find what's plain see.

Read the Testaments, both Old and New,
but let Me give you a valuable clue.

In the Old, you'll find it there.
Read the New and then compare.

I sent My Son for all mankind.
For you, I didn't make Him blind!

With Him, the path was beat for all.
You're given a chance, so do not fall!

All the things you deem unfair,
I put on you, so be aware!

It's your chance to prove your worth...
to prove the value of your birth.

It's your chance to prove to me
you're happy using salvation's key.

For all the questions you've otherwise asked,
the answers will come right after you pass.

Just be Patient.

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