The People Zoo - A short poem

in poem •  7 years ago 


They rounded up the humans, and built them a special zoo
Told them what to think, what was fact, what was true

Each family had their own cage, built of bricks and stone
They didn’t use shackles, they just handed out loans

They didn’t use auto feeders or have a feeding time
They set up a shop and the people formed a line

They asked each human there to commit
To perform in this show in eight hour shifts

The people not only compiled without question
They began to compete to be seen as the best one

The people, so caught up in their rivalry
Would finish their shift and decided to stay

Eventually they introduced zoo currency
Gave it to the people and called it ‘money’

They gave the people more ways to spend
Until on this system they came to depend

Looking back now, I’m not even sure they knew
That they were the main attraction at the human zoo

This is another poem I have to thank @miniature-tiger - this was inspired by your prompt this week. it soon surpassed the fifty words, but I quite like where it ended up.

So don't live in the zoo, break free and be you!

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I love this. The "state" is pretty much the only thing I can't imagine myself not hating :p

Another good one! And funnily enough, my second fifty words story had to do with humans too, although not in the same sense. Yours is quite motivational :)

I am going to blame the poor internet on my phone cos I thought I had followed you already! I saw this comment and was confused as to why your post wasn't in my feed. Thank you very much! I figured it may be a popular original idea, it is an almost undeniable fact of the civilised existence we live, the opposite of wild in a way. Awww I am glad you liked it :)

Have you ever read any Brian Patten? He has a fantastic poem called deep fried nightmare, I loved his books as a kid, the way he makes you think about things, like humans vs other animals, sticks with you (even years on apparently...) he is very witty as well, and has definitely been a big influence on how my writing has developed as I have grown up. Anyway, you may well enjoy his poems, thawing frozen frogs is my favourite of his books if you do wana check him out :)

Congratulations on another well done work.