What do you call an alien cyborg lost in a jungle? R2-tree-2!steemCreated with Sketch.

in poem •  last year 

Lost in the jungle, so far away,
An alien cyborg could not find its way,
Its circuits were fried, its sensors askew,
It didn't know what else to do.

But then it saw a sight so grand,
A tree that glowed, so bright and grand,
It knew right then what it must do,
And called out, "R2-tree-2!"

The tree lit up with a brilliant glow,
And showed the cyborg where to go,
It led it out of the jungle dense,
And back to its home, safe and hence.

Now whenever the cyborg is feeling blue,
And can't find its way, no matter what it'll do,
It remembers that tree, so bright and true,
And whispers to itself, "R2-tree-2!"

by Daycrypter

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