The life that you lead

in poem •  8 years ago 

The world that we live in is littered with wonders.
A magical playground just waiting to see you.
So go take a wonder and ponder on the questions.
The questions you've dreamed of and answer them all.
For why do all children so wish to be older, wiser and bolder only to find.
That as they get older and wiser and grayer that most of them wish for the kids that they were.

You see the life that you choose is the life that you lead
and the life that you lead is the life that you choose.

So try to imagine the world as just one.
Where Earth could play Mars in the galaxy cup.
Where all of our children would all live in freedom .
For violence and terror would no longer be more.
A child once asked me so what are we here for and what is our purpose i answered them so.
Its to have lots of children and feed the with knowledge.
The knowledge you've learnt from your memories of time.

You see the life that you choose is the life that you lead
and the life that you lead is the life that you choose.

                                                                                    Gaz Appy.
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Thanks for creating poetry on Steemit. I just uploaded a poem that references the theme of childhood and adulthood as well. Random. Keep it up!

Thanks for your message my friend. I have just had a read of your poem then. you've got a top way of writing. You got me when you say about when is the show about to start. I think the same my mate. Keep up the good work.