A few verses...

in poem •  7 years ago 

Drenched in salt-hitched...water-logged...emotion-bred chores...
I lost myself...to a grave-vibed life...
A life...which took a lot out of me...but when it was time to give back...it shared a mere stare...
A stare which grilled me inside out...
It seasoned my barbequed flesh-bribed grave...with haunt-fringed...spice-scrubed memories....
I continue to bleed...and might never heal...
I have no scars as such...because my wounds haven't healed...a bit...
I am a comic-stilled dead man...who never faced death...
I am the dark souled being...who has long-lost it's fate-writ path....
I still bleed hope though....
The only remnant of life...that seemingly breeds within my dark-shed...possessed sanctum...

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