I am a little rusty when it comes to writing poems but I thought I'd share one that I made when my first born came into my life. I hope you enjoy!
As I lay you down to sleep, my sleeping baby
I watch you dream in hopes that sometime maybe
Maybe one day you'll make your dreams come true
Whatever it may be I hope that it will bring a new
A new life that will make you happy and abundant
With a life of love and riches that god will have sent
As I watch you sleep, my sleeping baby
Mommy wishes that one day you will some day be
The singer and dancer that you have always dreamed of
And that people will realize that you were sent from above
As I watch you sleep, my sleeping baby
I really hope that you will one day see me
See how proud I am of what you have become
That you're the person I loved, loving you more than some
Now I leave you to sleep, my sleeping baby
In forever hopes, that you will always need me
To lay you down once more to sleep...my sleeping baby
Thank you for letting me share my poem with all of you <3