To My Love

in poem •  7 years ago 

The sun rises above the hill
So does the joy of my heart
Rays of care and love
From her I will never depart.

                  Fresh dew upon the grass
             Young birds chirps in their nests
                       I watch her gently sleep
              My love to her I will silently proclaim.

                I enjoy her stillness and calmness
                 Watching her smiles and dreams
                      She brings me love and peace
              Like that of a slow flowing stream.
                 My heart and soul flow with love
                 And I smile as I quietly show
             I have been handed a sweet princess
         A sweet princess to love and to protect.

                          A vow to myself I make
                      As she quietly sleeps away
          I promise  To love and always cherish her
           Until my last breath... until my last day.
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Beautiful! Very nice imagery. It creates a poignant image in the minds-eye. Well done!