I Just Keep Walking...

in poem •  8 years ago 

Every morning I wake up from my dream
To realize that I have a vast ocean to swim
A brand new path a brand new direction I see
With plans the lord has already made for me...
So I keep walking...
I just keep walking...

I walk the path which is painted for me
Painted by the almighty who is told to be
So I have to keep walking with a hope to find
The destination he has named to be mine..
So I keep walking...
I just keep walking...

I stumble, I fall, I'm tired, I'm hurt, No matter what, I never stop the walk
Because I know for sure that someone, Is looking after me round the clock
I'm not alone, for he is with me; to guide me through the journey he planned
People may come people may go, but he decides for you, who can be canned...
So I keep walking...
I just keep walking...

Will I ever reach my goal? Need I doubt on myself?
No I need not, for he knows me way better himself...
Of all my capabilities and inner strength to strive
Through the mountains and still come out of them alive.
So I keep walking...
I just keep walking...

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