[Music without sound] God is not perfect

in poem •  8 years ago  (edited)

God is not perfect.
Because if he would be,
Humanity wouldn't be broken,
There wouldn’t be hunger, or greed, or war,
There wouldn’t be wrath, or lust or sorrow.

If God would be perfect,
We wouldn't spend time looking for him,
Because he would be here, and not in a dream.

God is not perfect, and that is ok,
Because his imperfection made us this way,
Maybe we'll realise this one day,
And stop ask for perfection when we pray.

And if God is perfect and made us like this,
Asking for perfection just to give us bliss
When we will receive death’s kiss...
Then this means we live directly in hell,
And God is a demon, because he created this as well.

When you ask me if I believe in God, if I'm a believer, I'm not sure what to answer. Because my view on this topic has changed quite a lot, especially since I've began to learn about Dao, reading Lao Tzu writings, about buddhism and opening my mind to the asian mythologies.

And looking at the world, I've reached this conclusion. If God exists, he isn't as perfect as we would expect. Because he made us. And we are not perfect.

Image source: Pixabay

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

perfection is not always good. if everything was perfect and u r always happy, would u know what happiness is without knowing misery? we strive for perfection but nothing will ever be perfect. it's impossible. logically speaking.

Without suffering there would be no free will. Without free will the whole human purpose would loose meaning. God doesn't care about good and evil. Only cares about how do we respond to life from the standpoint of absolute freedom. Are we gonna suffer from the evil, are we gonna reject everything that doesn't suit our view of what reality should or shouldn't be, and live in distrust of life and loosing the connexion with the exterior world ? Are we gonna trust our intuition and guide ourselves through love in life to withstand every thing that arises from without, and grow and evolve in mind body and heart from within using the events in our life as steps down the ladder of our core ?