20 realizations in love.

in poem •  7 years ago 
  1. Know when to let go. Sometimes holding on to something adds the pain and sufferings.

  2. Do not regret loving hard someone. Love without regrets. At least, you did your best.

  3. One sided love is never worth it. It is toxic. It will poison your self-worth.

  4. Some people are so good in making you feel that you are special and will suddenly drop you like you are a trash.

  5. Never be attached easily with someone. Know their intentions first.

  6. Love is a choice that you make.

  7. Never lose yourself in the process of loving someone. Always respect yourself.

  8. Sometimes, you need to let go of someone for them to grow. If they come back, you are meant to be.

  9. Love will never be easy. You will get hurt, disappointed and sad. It is a matter of who is worth the risk.

  10. Forgive. It is not stupidity when you give multiple chances, but know when to say no.

  11. You would rather be single than be in a shitty relationship.

  12. It is not wrong to fall in love a lot of times, what is wrong is to be with the wrong person.

  13. When someone cheats on you, they do not love you. Because if they do, they will not do something that will hurt you.

  14. Know your worth always. Never beg for love, affection and attention. If they love you, they will be freely given.

  15. Never settle with a mediocre kind of love. Never settle for basic efforts.

  16. No one has the right to make you feel unworthy of love and respect. You are amazing since the beginning.

  17. Real love is not perfect. It is a work in progress. It is a collaborative effort.

  18. Some people let go of someone not because they do not love them anymore, but because they just wanted to free themselves from all the pain.

  19. Never settle for temporary feelings and attachments.

  20. Never allow yourself to be treated like an option. Never allow yourself to be treated like shit. You only deserve happiness.


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