The Flavor of Bugatti

in poemcuration •  7 years ago  (edited)

This series opens a vault that houses a plethora of the richest content that I am discovering on Steemit.

An impactful richness that is causing me to give birth to verses

As I change my identity, going deeper into the platform
As I stand in great expectation
Praying for a breakthrough so I can enlarge my territory
And create by way of crypto my own glory
Moving beyond the petty fiat of nickels and dimes to a new paradigm
That ain't got nothing to do with old money
But on this journey, I'm rolling with all things new
Including a new more liquid kind of currency.
Rolling up on new avenues and new worlds
Connecting with people of a different kind
They so brilliant they will blow your mind
Yet their humility rules the day
As they manifest their creativity
Which pales in comparison on a major scale
As they build new worlds with words, music and via video
There creations speak volumes as it flows down low in a subtle kind of way
And rises at daybreak with the ebb of the oceans wave
Screaming a wake-up call to the masses shouting hello
And in all that we see what surprisingly does not appear is ego
And will I shy away from this door that opens and leads to a better way
Indeed no.
I am called forth by this mesmerizing pungent aroma
That is causing my ears to hear and my eyes to clearly see
Methinks it is a wealthy flavor, and I invite you to come along and savor
The essence of Bugatti.

And heads up to the Newbies/the Minnows

If you want to know what talent and skillz look like
If you want to experience Rhythms and Rhyme that’s tight and hitting your heart center just right
If you want to see, to smell, to behold where abundance lives when it's ripe.
The Instructions are simple indeed, look below and READ:



In Poetry


Untitled Poem






Change God Cope Original


The Passage

Take A Listen

In Music

@fivestargroup and created by @rest100

[Exclusive] Five Star Entertainment - Steemit Anthem Official Music Video

In life & travel


Cirque du Soleil

Hidden within this Steemit Platform is so much valuable content and incredibly talented artists that are yet to be discovered. Their posts make us feel and experience the energy of abundance.

So I guess I am on Bugatti Watch.

Bugatti Cover image by
Images 2 & 3 courtesy of
Image 4 by
Last bugatti Image courtesy of
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Thank you for including my poem among such wonderful talent. I'm honored, my dear poetic friend. Lovely post.

Hi @rensoul17, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @wandrnrose doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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thank you for the heads up @checky that should be @wandrnrose7.

Thanks for featuring my work in your post mate,much love in your dircetion

considering you opened up with a car poem i would hazard a guess and say you would would like this poem i wrote a while back called coming on boost have a read and let me know what you think :)

great post.

Thank you @hussainasghar

you are welcome.

Thank you so much for including me in this list of wonderful creators.