A letter to my bullies

in poet •  7 years ago  (edited)


quoteImage from pinterest.

To the girls that called me ugly.

To the ones that called me flat.

The ones that spat terrible words at my face.

The ones that mocked me.

The ones that made me stay in bed all day crying and wishing I was someone else.

The ones that made me cry when I look into the mirror.

The ones that filled me with so much anger and insecurities.

The seniors that hit me as if I was worthless.

To the girls that made up the terrible rumors cause the ‘Flat’ girl caught their man’s eye.

To all of you that made me sleep in my tears.

To you that made me cry night after night.

Those tears made me feel worthless and I promised myself that I’ll never feel that way again.

This is me standing strong, healing fast and not letting your terrible words shape my future and how I look at the beautiful piece of art that I am.


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I love your posts. You got a fan, lol

Awwnnn... Thank you!