The maps have been digitized to properly synchronise and synthesise the stupids into a whorl of abyss. Their heads go pop! and make a hiss! On contract to my contrary, the naughty boys polluting the world with dirty pipe dreams forcing the mass man to retaliate with pied piper schemes.
Thee mining industry tuck tail and run when their tailings pond breaks, even though a foreign entity our country grants them more work in what results in the rape of the world. The Grandmothers have made the call that this is indeed a parenting issue, no if's, and's or butt's. Drain the white mans puss out of the black snakes guts. Drain the swap. In truth in lies. What is Truth Jesus asked Pontius Pilate. A PRODUCT OF AN EXEGETIC STANDARD. Replied Jesus.
Boom bust nation inflated by bombastic infatuation!? Shut up drone, shut up kid, get back to your stationary station. Sycophanted out of a rhythmically syncopated, man made time reason. But I have my mane! Therefore - let thy freak flag fly guy! Don't want to be Sampson to blow out your walls after being betrayed, held for a ransacked ransom in hell...A mere version of tomorrow that never comes. You can do better than that! Or, Um I mean Bitter than that. Buddy
I'm getting grass roots to gross truths. Engrossed in the stigmatized other, unacceptable. Differences are beuatiful and they can come together to make a difference. Even if you feel out side and different, please, don't be indifferent. Nature or gawd or whatever sound your making, the universe...the puniverse is indifferent, that doesn't mean you have to be!!
The fairly well faction will now take action! For the fairly weathered fiends have droned out into inaction. The garden faeries have come to gain Mother Earth traction! All the false notions to be composted, The earth is a kitchen not a factory so we are unable to treat it like a trash bin.