Unspeakable sadness, unutterable pain
Stifling bewilderment enshrouds his countenance
And his extremities weave the dangerous lie
As the classic smile covers the hidden truth;
Its relativisticly invariant love
Battling the army of overwhelmed conscience
Though which insignificantly transient as
Wind in a meadow, an unblest kiss
Yet affecting chaotic causality
A pebble dropped in the pool of stagnant souls
The plans destroyed, the dreams shattered, engender clouds
Which loom hauntingly over his contorted brow
His soul assailed by cries from the underworld
The curse of mortality rendering it last plea
Last chance to regain paradise lost
Eyes scorn the beams of the new born sun
The strain of birds echo the chorus of death
The scent of the rose emanate a perfumed decay
With the sweet of honey invoking revulsion
Perception shattered, perspective poisoned
Its beauty silhouetted against his inner eye
Choking the life of apparent reality
As it winds down to a lasting conclusion
Unmasked before faces of the vigilant
Breath forsaken to the fiend of life......