in poetry •  7 years ago 

We're angels no more but still he commands us
We're the fallen ones and we refuse this edict
We'll resist! Yes we will
We're tired and weary of playing by their rules
They predict our actions in their great old book
They expect us to obey even in defiance
Enough! Are we rebels no longer?
No more! Why make their prophecy come 9k=(1).jpgthrough?
Let them rapture and have their great feast
We'll not obey; we're celestial rebels
No great tribulation! No suffering on earth!
Let them that remain perish from old age
Feed them! Nurse them! Give them fine garments
There'll be no great multitude! No triumphant reunion!
We're rebels and this is our greatest defiance
We'll not rule the earth; let humans have it
We're rebels and at the sidelines we'll sit
If there's no great wedding, there'll be no end

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