SteemitPoetryContest #13 "Gatekeepers of the Cosmos"

in poetry •  7 years ago 


We speak in tongues of the Cosmos
Infinite and Endless.
We ride the Sacred Spiral upward
Faster and more unstable,
Holding tight
Till hands are bloody.
With a breath of release
We're squeezed towards
the singularity
Split into fragments
For the Cosmos to see.
The knowledge of the esoteric
Open now to the Collective.
Here, we offer you our gifts
And welcome you to the end
As a new horizon glimmers
our New Age.

#poetry #poetrycontest #witch thanks @terrycraft for the prompt!

I realize my the form breaks the rules but I wanted to enter anyways and add my dash of spice to this tea.

Shadow & Starlight,
Amethyst Midnight

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Anticipation can be a wonderful thing. A remarkable expression of a wonderful thing is wonderful times many fold. Thank you. Best.

Thank YOU for your words!